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ONE MIGHT SAY THAT NATASHA ROMANOFF WAS USED TO DISAPPEARING OFF THE GRID. Erasing any evidence of her existence, and keeping away from the public's eyes. However, while having accomplished many impressive feats, Natasha never did get used to the feeling of not existing.

To others, she wasn't Natasha Romanoff anymore.

She was nothing and everything. She was the girl you'd see taking a stroll in the park. She was the eyes you'd feel following you when you were alone. Still, there was something different about this situation.

Natasha Romanoff wasn't alone.

Sure, Tom was with her before, but never in the physical sense. With another person with her, it meant she didn't have to be on her guard so much, but Natasha didn't see it that way. When there are others, that means more mouths to feed – more opinions.

More liabilities.

More bodies to use as a shield.

Thankfully, since there were only two of them, it meant that Natasha only had to watch out for Tom. However, that also meant that if they ever got into trouble, there might be a chance that someone might get left behind, or worse. She loved Tom, she really did, but... She would admit that if it was either him or her, she'd choose herself.

Call her selfish, but she knew that Tom would do the same thing. Even if they both came back to save each other, they both knew that each other could handle themselves. Would she sacrifice herself if it was the only option? Yes, without a doubt. But, if there were clearly other options, she'd try those first before hurting herself, or potentially making the situation worse.

For example, two weeks ago, they had been tracked down by low-ranking death eaters. Clearly, they weren't very proficient in magic, so Natasa left the situation temporarily to get their next location ready for them. When she came back, there were three dead death eaters in the motel they were staying in. They both left pretty quickly after that, grabbing the last of their belongings.

However, Natasha did leave a hefty tip for the cleaning lady when she found them.

Safe-house to safe-house the two of them traveled to, keeping a watch out for their surroundings and hunting for the rest of the Horcruxes. Many of them were in places they could not reach easily, such as Bellatrix's vault, and Lucius Malfoy's manor.

However, there was one they could search for.

The locket.

While Tom admitted to it being replaced by Regulus Black, it still meant that it was still out there. If it was replaced without Voldemort's awareness, then there was a good chance it was still out there.

Natasha sighed, throwing a ball up in the air, catching it with a bored expression on her face.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Tom asked, leaning in the doorway of the room. Natasha raised her head, lifting her eyebrow up in return as she took in his appearance.

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