The Council of Elrond

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   The dress drew over smoothly on my bodice and waist before flowing like quicksilver to my feet. None of these qualities would have ever worked if confronted by assassins or mercenaries, but Imladris was safe enough. 

   But the sword was still sheathed to my side, as my eyes quickly peered into the reflective surface of the glass. Many have called me a beauty to rival that of the Lady Galadriel, but beauty covered by long hair and a curvaceous figure was not what I needed. Not today. Today, I needed to look intimidating. 

  The maiden with the sword stared back at me. I was never beautiful, never graceful as men wanted a woman to be. 

  No, I was dangerous. Deadly and fiery to my last breath; and only one thing was clear. 

  No one shall bar me from my destiny.


  "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have all been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor--"

  I was rude. No, scratch that. I was obnoxiously rude. 

 The word that Lord Elrond was holding a council regarding a myth had spread over the West, and I had obtained that information from a drunk host in a tavern. I had come to see if the rumors were true. 


With that, I barged in, my eyes flashing as I swept through the center of the council before taking an empty seat reserved for the emissary of some distant country. Settling myself, I folded my arms and glared coolly at the council, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground. I felt a small smile tug at my lips. They all feared me. Often known as an unbeatable sword wielder, I perceeded a reputation that was as ferocious as my sword. The last thing everyone expected of me was to attend a council for peace, but with desperate times came desperate measures.

  There was an eerie silence before I spoke, "You know, I am flattered that you stopped your little discussion for the sake of my presence, but I didn't come here just to watch you stare aimlessly at each other."

  I heard the scrape of a chair as it was pulled back and saw an elf stand up, his face shining like the sun and undeniably handsome. His long blond hair glistened in the light as his eyes seemed to sparkle with the currents of a thousand oceans. Great. Just great. The so-called prince of Mirkwood--Legolas-- well known for his accomplishments and the handsome prince of the dreams of many women. The last thing I needed was some stuck-up prince who thought he had some great fighting skills. Though, I will be the judge of that.

  "You were not invited," he said, his voice refined and smooth as the birdsong, but I raised one eyebrow, rolling my eyes.

  "I know, if you haven't noticed already, I invited myself," I said expressionlessly, sitting back and settling my legs on the chair before me, making all the men gasp at my manners. The prince, however, was at a loss of words, as Elrond glared at me for interrupting his uninteresting monologue. Our eyes met, a silent battle of wills, before Elrond sighed, knowing that I will not back down. Seating himself, he beckoned for a scrawny hobbit to come forth. I immediately sized him up. There was nothing significant about him, except for the fact that his eyes were wide and filled with fear, like a doe walking into the lair of a tiger. No immediate skill seemed to jump out towards me, making me sneer before something caught my eye. Something gold glittered in his hands. My eyes narrowed, the irises dilating as I saw the object. The One Ring. This was about to get very interesting.

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