Special Announcement?

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    What up, readers! (XD Trying to be edgy, but failing miserably). I want to say a special thank you for every single one of you. I truly treasure every single read and it is because of all of you that I reached where I am now. I started out thinking that I would probably fail and that I would never become like one of those great writers, but now, all of you make me feel like the best writer in the universe! Thank you so much for all of your support, and I have a special announcement.....

     Read on to find a special message from Evelyn....


(In form of a script) 

 Evelyn: Dear people who read my life. I do not know why you do so, but apparently this weird author thinks its is amusing, for whatever reason it is. My message is simple: This book is over, so stop asking for a sequel--

Legolas: (Ahem) 

Evelyn: Shut up, you stupid elvish princeling. Anyways--

Aragorn: (Ahem) 

Evelyn: (Turns around dangerously) Do you require a cough drop, Aragorn?

Aragorn: What? What is a cough drop?

Evelyn: (Pops one in her mouth) It is some magical substance that takes away the cough; it is some modern invention in this world. But anyways-- readers, please do us a favor and stop reading--

Me: You do know that those are my cough drops---

Evelyn: (Cuts me off) No one cares about your opinion. 

Me: (Angrily) Now, wait just a minute--

Evelyn: (Draws her sword) You were saying.....

Me: (Gulps) Hehe... never mind.

Evelyn: That's what I thought. Anyways, this book and everyone in it are a product of J.R.R Tolkien, so now that the trilogy is over, so is this book. 

Me: (Cautiously) Actually..... you are not made by J.R.R. Tolkien. 

Evelyn: What are you talking about? 

Me: Well, you are actually my creation... so...


More silence. 

Le silence. 

Evelyn: Are you saying you are my mom or something? Because that is kind of creepy; you are kind of younger than me--

Me: (nods) Well, kind of like that--

Evelyn: But then who is my father?

Darth Vader: I am your father. 

Me: Wait, what are you doing here?!

Darth Vader: (Checks his planner) Oh... sorry, wrong galaxy. 


    Silence. Le silence. 

    I don't even know what I wrote. I mean, seriously, I have no idea what I am doing. Sighs, what am I even doing with my life... 

XD. Anyways, I wrote this script to tell you that there will be..................................................................A............Sequel!!!!!!!!!

 Stay tuned for a sneak peak :D

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