At Peace

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Hello, fellow readers and lovers of Lotr.... I am in a really happy mood, so voila and here is my gift to you all :)


I walked softly towards the camp, my mood considerably dampened and confusion swelling inside of me. Breathing a sigh as I entered our camp that was lodged in the heart of Lothlòrien, I felt a twinge in my heart as I saw Legolas whispering to Aragorn, his blue eyes darting around the camp- a clear message that no one should disturb them. Breathing a huff, I plopped onto an outcropping of a rock that was surprisingly comfortable with its fertile green moss that rivaled the finest feather pillows in Middle Earth. Crossing my legs, I observed the Fellowship. Everyone seemed so laid back, so happy, so peaceful...

I had never thought much on the topic, but I envied them. I wished for the peace and relaxation that they enjoyed right now. Why? Why couldn't my life just stay the way it was? Life wasn't easy back in Shanelor with all the relentless fighting and the fierce competition that burned in my family so fiercely, causing my brothers and I to quarrel and stage fights to the death. However, it was home. It was a funny word, home. It meant that it was in a place where you belong and where your soul feels at peace because you know that everything is going to be all right when you are home. However, home, for me was just an ideal. I was once at home, I once had family, and love, even if I won't always admit it. But just in a split second, it was all taken from me, from the person whom I thought I loved and whom I thought had loved me in turn. If there was one thing I was afraid of, it was losing something. Love was beautiful for me. It was indescribable, like the sun setting behind the horizon, cascading down the surface of a massive, glittering lake that sent plumes of orange and rose spiraling through the sky, bleeding into the clouds.

However, it was all taken away from me. Love was foolish, as I had said, time and again. It might be a paradise at first, but I would assure anyone that the flaw of loving was that it will never last. It was the same thing with home. When children grew up, their home was the cover that held the other elements of their soul from spilling out. Now, when children leave, home becomes nothing more than a name, an idea; for once a person leaves their home, the power of it is lost forever. I was a rogue now, an outcast that never belonged in one place or any other. I had dimmed the ember of hope that I once held, that I would finally be where I was destined to be, but destiny was just a fool's dream. Destiny was just another word for fate- the cold, cruel, pitiless reality that is held for us all. Yes, it was a fool's dream, yet ever so slightly, I kept the ember of hope alive, for as foolish as it may seem, people seem to never lose hope, and whether I acknowledged it or not, it was that small shred of hope that kept me running, that kept me from taking the ultimate sacrifice.

Yet, as I lay on my blanket on the grass that night, I felt that piece of hope growing, and growing. It was simply human nature, I guess, to dream about things that couldn't possibly happen. But in my heart, a part of me whispered something. It was unclear, yet revealed a nagging doubt in my mind that had grown like a disease. Something, something was coming. Something that has been gone for a long time, something that will spell the doom for all.

At that moment, I subtly glanced at Legolas's peaceful, smiling countenance, Aragorn and Boromir's relaxed expressions, and the merriness of the hobbits. Yes, I had a premonition... a premonition that all these smiles would fade into shadow, and the premonition that there would be bloodshed that will topple the very land of Middle- Earth.


A ray of sunlight pierced the canopy of the tree that I was resting on. Feeling my eyelids flutter ever so slightly, I groaned and pulled the covers closer to my body, hoping that the sun will go away. However, a pull in the blanket prevented me from doing so. Groaning in anger as the tugging intensified, I growled and wrenched the blankets off of me, causing a startled Pippin to topple into Merry.

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