The Starry Night

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      I walked softly in the night, my boots crunching underfoot on the grass. The stars glinted like fine glass shards spun in molten diamond, shimmering like a veil in the darkness of the night. Fiddling with the clasp of my cloak, I pulled it over my head as a night breeze wreathed past me, billowing the leaves into a circular dance. 

      "The stars are veiled," I heard Legolas's voice smoothing in the breeze. Turning around, I inclined my head towards him as he joined me, his presence soothing my tense body. 

      "Something stirs in the East," I said, gesturing towards the alit braziers ahead of us, "the Eye of the Enemy is moving." 

     Legolas faced me, his posture almost protective. "You should be getting some sleep," he said, his voice etched with concern, "you can not face the day ahead with half of your strength." 

        I rolled my eyes. 

      "I am fine, Legolas," I murmured, turning to gaze at the stars once more, "but I can not say the same for the rest of the Fellowship." 

      He nodded. "You worry for the hobbits," he stated, able to see through my guise. 

      I scoffed. "I do not worry for them," I said, albeit untruthfully, "I am just saying that they should better reach Mordor quickly." 

    Legolas chuckled softly. "For all of your skills, mellon, you have not the ability to lie," he said teasingly, bumping his shoulder against mine gently. I felt a reluctant grin spread across my features. Suddenly, I heard Legolas inhale sharply. Whipping towards him, I saw him clutch his temple, his eyes screwed tightly shut in pain. 

   "Legolas?" I said frantically as I shook him by his shoulders, "what has happened?"  

    Legolas opened his eyes, his blue irises darting from side to side. "He is here!" he cried, grabbing his bow, with me following in pursuit. Barging into the tent, I glimpsed Pippin collapsing onto the ground, writhing in agony as he clutched the black crystal of Saruman, his mouth parted in a silent scream. Petrified in shock, I was jolted back as I saw Aragorn snatch the ball from Pippin, who immediately fell onto the ground, his face contorted with pain. Lunging forwards, I kicked the ball away, sending it flying into the air, as Gandalf threw the blanket over the horrid object. 

     "Fool of a Took!" Gandalf raged, grabbing Pippin roughly by the shoulders, who cried pitifully, as the sobs racked through his body. Recollecting himself, Gandalf leaned in closer, his eyes fixed upon Pippin's quivering eyes. "Look at me," he said in a more softer voice, his hands rubbing Pippin's back soothingly. 

     "Gandalf....forgive me," Pippin sobbed, his voice barely above a strangled whisper. "Look at me," Gandalf said more forcefully, causing Pippin to look at his face. "What did you see?" he repeated, his voice urgent. 

      Pippin swallowed, his voice shaking as he said, "I saw... I saw a white tree... in a courtyard of stone.... It was dead. The city was burning," he said, his voice quivering as tears sprang out of his eyes. 

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