I Get Saucy with the Steward of Gondor

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   I felt numb shock in my system, almost overwhelming me to the core. How could I not have noticed it? The hair, the eyes, and even the proud way he held himself was so much like his brother-- Boromir.

   As if noticing my unblinking stare, Faramir turned towards me, his face in a mask that did not hide his questioning. Did he blame me for Boromir's death?

"Captain!" another guard shouted, an elderly man with grey hair.

 "That must be his tactician," I thought, noting how his eyes skipped his captain and diverted towards me.

"Who is the maiden, my captain?" the man asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Faramir seemed to fidget uncomfortably, but he introduced me nonetheless. "This is Lady Evelyn, and I have brought her with me. She says she has some information to share."

  The man's eyes widened, clearly having heard of me. "Please, come in," Faramir gestured towards the cave, his chivalry showing through the guise of a warrior.

  "And how do I know this is not a trap?" I asked, almost patronizingly.

 Faramir answered readily. "If this had been a trap, I suspect you would not have followed me thus far," he said.

  I smirked, and allowed myself to be led into the cave, which clearly served as their base. "Sauron's army has grown stronger," he spoke, his voice strong, but seemingly cracking under the strain, "the Orcs have gotten stronger, and our forces too small."

  "It must also be because of the kingdom of Shanelor," I spoke, voicing my thoughts, "mindless rabbles of Orcs must have been trained by their soldiers, who direct their attacks to your weakest points."

  The captain spun around. "Shanelor?" he asked, his voice surprised, "but the kingdom was foretold to have been destroyed after King Indaron's line fell from a traitor within."

  I fixated my stare upon him. "You are right, King Indaron fell, but his descendants have not passed on."

  Faramir shook his head. "His descendants were all killed."

 "But not all," I replied.

 Faramir's eyes narrowed. "It is true, but while the corpse of the eldest princess-- Genevieve was never found, it is highly unlikely that she survived the Orcs of Mordor that swarmed in afterwards. But how do you know all of this?"

 I stared back with equal ferocity, my eyes narrowed and cold. "I am Princess Genevieve, last descendant of Shanelor, and the sole heir of King Indaron's blood."

  You know, a rational person would at least gape open-mouthed at this sudden development, but Faramir just raised one eyebrow. "Not really secretive, are you?" he asked. 

Lord of the Rings Fanfic- The Tale of EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now