A Spark of Hope

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We staggered out of the mine, more dead than alive. A sob was caught in my throat. The hobbits collapsed, grief surging through their cries.

Gandalf was gone. Taken by a Balrog. Despair crashed through my heart mercilessly like the crashing waves on a beach as they wash the sand away, bit by bit, grain by grain. I looked out into the distance. There was greenery and shrubs that thrived and flourished and the skies were like a polished sapphire- clear and sparkling without a hint of gray or worry.

All of this was unbearable. How could the world just make people joyful by loading this world with blue skies and growth? Everything was supposed to be dark and gray. Gandalf had just died and the world just watches and does nothing. How could the world just stand there? All of this made my face darkened with anger, unbearable anger.

It was Sauron's fault. All of this. He would pay, he would pay dearly. I will personally make sure that Gandalf's death was not in vain. Sauron will be ripped apart, piece by piece until he is nothing but a mere, powerless shred. He will kneel down and I will make him beg, and then I will torture him slowly and painfully until his cries of agony are the only things that are left in Middle Earth. The dark thoughts swirled through my head, and a slow, sickly sweet smile spread on my lips. Sauron was going to regret that he had ever been born.

"Legolas, get them up," commanded Aragorn who was calmly wiping his sword.

Legolas opened his mouth to object, but Aragorn steely gaze said otherwise. Walking towards Sam, he offered him his hand. Sam accepted it, sniffling.

"Oh, give them a moment for pity's sake," Boromir shouted.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the forest of Lothlórien," Aragorn replied urgently.

Turning away, Aragorn offered me his hand. I stood up slowly, as if in a trance.

"Frodo," I whispered.

Aragorn glanced towards Frodo's direction. Frodo was slumped down, and his face was wet with tears. Just looking at him made me want to cry alongside him. However, I had sworn long ago that I would no longer have the luxury of crying until my vengeance is fulfilled.

I helped Pippin and Merry up, hesitantly putting a hand on their shoulders.

"Evelyn, come!" Aragorn shouted.

I grit my teeth. No matter what, I was going to live and show Sauron the consequences of messing with the people I care about.

He will pay...


"Can we stop for a moment?" Pippin asked softly.

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