1 • Abrupt change

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I reread "Blood" and figured I should just write the same way as that, since it is the most popular of the one-shots.


[Author: If in third person pov then it will be in brackets and have the name of the person Thinking behind a colon in the beginning of the thought.]

Fancy bolded words are like and action or sound effect. Examples: CLANG! BANG! THUD! SLASH! etc.

There is another thing to note, but it'll be later on. Though, I already showed it in one part of my one-shot book. Also, you first readers should be coming from there.

《Pov Y/n L/n》

"No! Stay away!" I ran from the shadow chasing after me. I knew, in my gut, that I'd be dead if it caught me.

I was in a forest, running and running. I had been running for what felt like hours, yet there was no end in sight. I wanted to escape from this seemingly endless forest, but trees covered the entire area. No matter how fast or how far I ran, the sight of endless trees never left me. And, the shadow, always followed me without fail. My eyes began to water from my confusion and frustration.

"Where am I?!" I cried out. "Why are you chasing me?! What do you want from me?!" I questioned the shadow, but obviously received no response.

While I was distracted looking back at the shadow, I failed to notice a cliff. Well, it's not that I failed to notice it, as when I last saw in front of me, there were only trees, trees, and more trees. But, regardless, I ran off the cliff and plummeted down.



My eyes flutter open and I'm greeted with the sight of my room ceiling.

Oh, it was a dream... again.

I had been having the same nightmare for a while now. It started after my best, and only, friend moved away. Though, they say they'll be back soon.

What time is it?

I reach for my phone that's laying on my dresser, charging. Turing it on to check the time. And it's... 7:50. 7:50? That's fine...

.... Wait a minute...

I jump up and and start rushing to get ready.

"I'm so going to be late!"

Okay, school starts at eight, and it's a thirty minute walk. If I can get ready quick enough and run to school, I can make!

I didn't make it.

Regardless of how fast I ran, I wasted too much time getting breakfast. While I know some people skip breakfast in the morning when they're in a rush, I was taught to never skip meals. It kinda stuck with me.

And now I'm sitting in Mr. Jonas's, my counselor's, office getting a lecture from him.

He looked at me with tired eyes. His black hair was also a little messy but he still had the energy to tie it up in a bun, with a few strands falling onto his face.

"Your last year of school started a week ago, and you've been late everyday since." He was clearly trying to not blow up on me, but I could tell it was hard from his strained voice. "You've never had this problem before, so what's going on?"

I laughed awkwardly before responding.

"Well, I used to have someone wake me up in the mornings, but they moved away during summer." I explained.

"Oh, are you talking about your friend?"

I nodded my head in response, earning an annoyed sigh from him.

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