13 • Running into school queen

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Sorry for the long wait! But I am back and already planning the next chapter!

Also, I don't reply to many comments because I'm not very good with words. Tho, I do see them all and have liked them all. So, please, feel free to comment anytime.

《Y/n L/n》

A normal day! I hope, at least.

While me and Nico walked to school, we just talked about this and that.

I found out his favorite color is black. He really likes brownies; and really hates pineapple on pizza. His favorite TV show is supernatural; and favorite movie is either ghost busters or the messed up Hansel and Gretel movie where they hunt witches.

Since he hates the supernatural, I understand the last two.

As of now, me an Nico were heading to our 1st period class. While talking with Nico, I accidentally walked into someone.

"Oh! Shoot. I'm... sorry...?" I apologized, sounding a bit confused.

I didn't expect who I had just walked into to be the schools queen. The only other person aside from Nico that everyone knows about. An almost unmatched beauty with her blonde hair and mesmerizing gray eyes. Those... oddly familiar eyes.

Avery Nightfield.

"I-It's fine..." She practically muttered, bending down to pick up her glasses that fell. "I should have been watching where I was going better."

"O-Oh, no. I was too distracted. I'm really sorry, again." I hurriedly said.

If I didn't make it clear it was my fault, then who knows what her fan club might do to me.

Oh, yeah, she has a huge fan base. A very toxic one.

"Damn right you're sorry." A male voice piped in. "But seriously, if you meant it, you should he apologizing on your hands and knees."

There are also plenty of extremists among said fan base.

Flustered, Avery tried to intervene, saying, "Stop it. It was an accident."

The man seemed to have a tick on his forehead because she defended me.

"As if! He's obviously trying to make a move on you since his clingy bitch is gone!"


"Huh?" He suddenly glared at me. "What the hell is with that look? You got something to say?!"

He grabbed me and reeled his fist back. But before anything else happened, Nico grabbed his reeled back arm.

"N-Nico? What are you-?!" He suddenly screamed out in pain.

"I agreed to have a 'normal' day. Don't ruin it." Nico said as he tossed the guy aside. He actually threw him quite some distance. "And in what world is bumping into someone making a move?"

The guy stood back up and held his arm; walking away with his head down. From the glimpse I got, there was a very evident hand print.

Looking at Nico, he had a small smirk on his face.

Turning to Avery, her hair was covering her eyes and there was an uneasy aura around her.

I hesistantly asked, "...Y-You okay?".

She perked up and immediately looked at me with a small smile.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine! I'm just really sorry about that...." She apologized, looking to the ground every so often.

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