11 • Starting training

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《Y/n L/n》

It was the next day. Me and Nico were eating breakfast in silence.

After we returned home yesterday, Nico explained to me what he saw down there. The library, the weird tubes, the long hallway the hellhounds led him down, and finally, the glowing green tree with a humanoid pig guarding it.

Surprisingly, Nico had never heard of it before; I also had no memory of it.

I decided to break the silence by asking, "Do you hate... ALL supernatural?"

Nico glanced at me curiously.

"Yeah. Why?" He answered bluntly.

"N-No reason. Just curious...." There was silence, before I broke it again. "What if we found out I wasn't human?"

The reason behind my question was because of what Ethan said yesterday.


There was a long pause as Nico seemed to genuinely consider the possibility. The suspense was making me regret asking.

"...I'd still have to protect you so it doesn't matter."

Not the most comforting response.

"...About that. You said you're protecting me because of a request from someone you know. Who are they?" I questioned.

"I can't tell you. They will when they can."

"Okay.... Can I at least ask why you're doing this for them?"

He sighed and answered, "They aren't someone I can say no to."

Someone he can't say no to...?

I gasped, "A lover?!"

The thought was immediately answered by Nico's disgusted expression.

"Your... boss?" I asked.

"Sure as hell acts like it." Nico complained.

So they don't have a good relationship.

Nico then suddenly questioned, "Switching topics. How well do you know that manga shop owner?"

It was a sudden question that caught me off guard.

"J-Just a little. I've gone there enough times to have some small talk with him."

"...Is that all?"

"Yeah.... Why?"

"He's suspicious."

I was shocked by Nico's words.

"What do you mean?"

"When he stopped me yesterday, I could tell he was strong. Not supernatural strong, but still strong enough to overpower me." Nico explained.

"Is it that impressive?" I asked.

He raised a brow and said, "I've only met four other people strong enough to do so."

I wasn't exactly sure how strong Nico was, but from how he talks I could guess he was on the stronger side among hunters.

Nico continued, "Now about the shop owner. Has there ever been anything weird you may have noticed about him?"

I gave it some thought and came up with an answer.

"He talks to me!" I answered confidently.


"That should qualify as normal." Nico said.



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