4 • Don't walk into a forest with strangers

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A/n: If you don't know, I wrote a prologue for the story now. It's at the beginning of the book.

《Y/n L/n pov》

"This is our towns most popular diner: 'Bob's Gotcha'!" Nico spoke cheerfully.

Still not used to that.

"That's a... unique, name?" Astrid commented.

"I know, everyone from out of town says something along those lines. But don't be fooled; despite the somewhat weird name, Bob never disappoints. His whole thing is that he's 'gotcha', whatever you want." Nico explained.

He's not wrong. Everyday Bob has a menu of entirely different options. He really does 'gotcha'.

But on another note, I still don't get what we're doing.

What are we doing? We're giving Astrid and Kevin a tour of our town. I don't know what the point of it is though.

They know that we know about them, and we know that they know. However, despite that, we're playing the part of tourist and tour guide.

Though I still haven't said a word to them. I guess Nico is worried that I'd slip up or something. What could I even spill?

"Next place is 'bloody lover's lake'. There are also a few other places on the way."

"Bloody lover's lake? What's with the name?" Kevin questioned.

"Oh, it has some dark history. You sure you wanna hear?" Nico smirked.

"Oooh, I love scary stories! Spill it!" Astrid squealed.

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you." He started. "Ahem. I think it was around 50 years ago? There was a woman who had lost her husband in an accident. Teens being teens were drinking and driving, which caused the husband's death. The woman, in blind rage, kidnapped all 7 of the kids, cut them open, and plunged their bodied into the bottom of the lake."

"That's... intense." Kevin shivered.

Really? Seems normal to me. I know Amber would do something like that.

"Woah. What about the 'lover's' part of the name?" Astrid asked.

"Oh, she also drowned herself alongside her husband's corpse." Nico answered. "Creepy thing is, some of the people that go to the lake at night say they can hear her rage filled screams. To add to that even further, no animals will even go near the place." Nico informed.

I remember hearing about that. Amber even told me to never go near the lake. I never asked her why since I couldn't really question her.

"So it's completely empty? No-one or animal is around there?" Kevin questioned.

I don't think I like that question.

"Yep, not a single living thing." Nico answered.

I really don't think like that answer either.

"Oooo, so spooky! I like it! Let's go there now!" Astrid suggested.

For a split second, I thought I saw a devious smirk on Nico's face after he heard her.

"Well, if you insist." Nico accepted. "Let's head straight there then."

I really hope Nico has a plan.

After walking for a while, we reached the forest, where the lake is located in.

I'm not sure why, but I swear I felt a chill the moment I stepped foot inside the forest. Maybe there really is a ghost!

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