5 • Big-shots coming to town

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《Nico Strix pov》

"How much farther is it?" Kevin asked.

"Not much, maybe three minutes away? Five, tops." I answered.

"Really...." He replied ominously. "Well, we're far enough in, so might as well drop the act."

Kevin moved fast and pinned me against a tree; his hand sqeezing my throat.

Glancing to the side, I see Y/n in the air. He hits the ground and gets up surprisingly fast.

"Nico! What should I do?!" He asked in a panic.

"Trust me and run to the lake!" I answered.

He immediately ran after hearing me. Fast too. Not even looking back.

She was right, he listens well.

Astrid soon gave chase to him.

"So, what was your plan in bringing us here? We were both aware of each other's intentions." Kevin questioned.

"Yet you still came. I knew your arrogance wouldn't even let you consider the possibility of us being able to retaliate." I grinned.

"Pfft! Retaliate? When all the other hunters are out of town? Fat chance."

So they're aware of that.

"I'll ask you again. What the hell was your plan?" He asked, his grip tightening.

"My plan? To beat the shit out you. What else?" My smirk grew.

"...Puhahahaha! Are you serious?!" He cackled, his grip loosening.

"Dead serious." I stated.

Grabbing the knife behind my back, I stab his wrist. He let's go of me, and using the chance, I kick both of my feet up and smash them into his face.

He staggered back, blood dripping from his nose.

"W-What the hell?" He muttered, touching the dripping blood. "Blood? My blood?! What the hell did you do?!"

"Evened the odds."

I flipped the knife so that is would face downwards.

"I'm not healing, and I feel... weak." I see his nose twitch. "That stench... Mistilteinn?!"


He grit his teeth, clutching his stabbed wrist.

"How?! I was told the Strix's lost all of the Mistilteinn they owned ten years ago!"



How DARE he?

"We didn't lose anything." I stated, walking towards him. He flinched and took a step back. "What we had was taken from us." I clutched the knife tightly. "Taken by you fucking bloodsuckers!" I bellowed.

I charged at him, leaning low.

Whether it was out of pride or he actually had some backbone, he stood his ground and swiped at me.

I moved to the left, dodging his attack, and in one swift movement I brought my knife up, taking his ear clean off. He screamed out in pain, clutching where his ear used to be.

Throwing my leg up, I kick the tip of my foot directly on his nose. The result had blood gushing from it.

He fell on his back, flailing about.


I get on top of him, my knees keeping his arms down and my knife hovering over his eye.

"This little scuffle tells me you're a new low-class vampire. Am I right?"

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