3 • First day with the transfers

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《Y/n L/n pov》

The hellhole known as school wasn't as hellish as I was expecting. It was already third period but none of the transfers that Nico has pointed out seem suspicious. They're all just getting along with the others. Some even became really popular.

"Pst, Nico, are you sure the one from yesterday wasn't the only one? The others seem pretty normal." I whispered, as to not get caught by the teacher.

"Again, it's unlikely. Vampires hardly ever move alone. And... I didn't want to tell you this since it might freak you out, but there have been reports of the supernatural moving closer to our town." He whispered back.

"What?!" I exclaimed in a not so quiet manner.

"Mr. L/n! Do you have something to say?" The teacher asked.

"N-No sir... sorry sir...."

I stared down at my desk, looking away from the gazes of the others.

"So, with that combined with the sudden group of transfers, there is likely a decent amount of supernaturals among them." Nico continued.

"Or, even worse, all of them could be supernatural." I said, fully understanding his worry now. "And there's a chance that their not the only ones in town."

"Precisely. I had planned to keep an eye on you from afar, but with the vamp that attacked you, the dream demon that targeted you, your connection to the fire five years ago, and now multiple supernaturals roaming around, I can't afford to let you out of my sight."

That... feels oddly comforting. Even if he isn't the nicest person, it might be nice to have some company around.

"Well, uh, I guess I'll be in your care?"

"Unfortunately." Nico grumbled.

With that, class went on as usual. After the class ended though, two transfer students approached us.

"Heya! I'm new here and thought I'd introduce myself! My name is Astrid." The girl peppily introduced.

"Same here! Same here! I'm Kevin!" The boy beamed.

"Uh, hey-" I start.

"Nice to meet you two! I'm Nico." He interrupted. "My friend here is a bit shy, so he prefers to not talk. Sorry in advance."

The two transfers eye him suspiciously before going back to their joyful selves.

"Don't worry, it's alright! This guy used to be the same way!" Astrid commented, pointing at Kevin.

"Yep! I was often called the 'quiet kid' back at my old school! But now I'm completely different!"

"Wow, good for you man! I admire that kind of stuff." Nico faked. Seeing him go from annoyed to faking being so peppy is unsettling. "You know, we should hang out some time. I don't know why, but I just feel like we would get along swell!"

'Swell'? Does anyone even say that anymore?

"Totally! I SO get what you mean!" The girl agreed. "Would you happen to be free after school?"

"Yeah, no plans yet."

"Awesome! Just meet us in front of the school gates."

"Alright, looking forward to it!" Nico smiled brighter. "See you guys after school then."

Nico waved them off and pulled me along.

"Yeah, see you later Nico, Y/n!" The boy said.

Is that what an interaction between fake people looks like?

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