Chapter 2: The Blacksmith

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Our unlikely group of heroes run through Misty Lake, encountering some remaining targets from their training.
"I bet we could use these for sword practice." Sonic suggested.
"It's fit for a band of knaves such as yourselves."
"Will you stop calling us knaves already?" Knuckles snapped, clearly irritated by Caliburn's insults.
"I will stop calling you knaves when thine all master the code of chivalry." Caliburn continued, undeterred by Knuckles' outburst, as they sliced down the targets with prestige, while the sword visualized it.

"Hey, our swordsmanship keeps getting a whole lot better already!" Sonic spoke with pride after slicing another target clean in half, before visualizing with satisfaction of how perfectly sliced it was.
The blue hedgehog's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a yell from Caliburn, who was sent flying due to Sonic's grip being too loose, and they all turn to see the sword stuck blade-fist in a tree next to Merlina, who was looking concerned.

"Is he serious?" Caliburn mumbled to the lynx, but she didn't know how to answer. Sonic meanwhile, just chuckled.
"Heh, I think he likes it up there. Let's keep him like that."
Merlina answered by bonking him on the head with her staff, her expression displeased, while Shadow smirked at the sight and Knuckles laughed. "Ow... Okay, I'll get him out."

After pulling Caliburn out of the tree, the sword cleared his throat and began his lesson:
"You all seem to know the basics of swordsmanship, but thou lack the finesse and discipline of a true knight. You must learn to move with grace and precision, and to respect thy opponent. You either have one or the other, or none." He turned his head to Sonic.

"Thy reckless behavior will lead thee nowhere. You must learn to think before you act, and to approach every challenge with a clear mind and a plan. Being a knight is not just being a warrior, but also a strategist and a leader." Sonic yawned mockingly, making Caliburn annoyed before he turned to Shadow.

"You think thou can do everything on your own, when in reality, you need the help of others. Trust is a crucial aspect of being a knight, and you must learn to rely on thine allies and work together towards a common goal."
Shadow huffed. "I don't need a lecture on morality from a talking sword."

Caliburn ignored his comment and turned to Knuckles. "You only use brute force without using thy head, thou must learn to fight with your feet and to use your strength wisely. Being a knight requires not only physical strength, but also intelligence and cunning." The red echidna scratched his head uncertainly, since intelligence is not his strongest point. The sword turned to Blaze next.

"Thine fire powers lack control. A knight must be able to harness their power and use it with precision and care. Remember, a knight's duty is not just to defeat their enemies, but also to protect the innocent."
"She already knows about that!" Sonic interrupted, smirking. "Because, this 'knave' here is a Princess."
"Sonic, no!" The pyrokinetic cat gritted her fangs. Caliburn looked surprised.

"Ahem, a Princess, you say? My sincere apologies. I had no idea." Caliburn bowed his head in respect, while Sonic grinned mischievously at Blaze.
"Don't worry about it, Caliburn. It's not a big deal..." Blaze replied, trying to hide her embarrassment. Silver placed his hand on her shoulder for comfort while glaring at Sonic, before the sword continued with the time traveler.

"You rely on your power too much. A knight must also rely on their physical and mental strength. Power comes from within, not just from their abilities." Silver nodded to the critique, as the sword finally turned to Jet, who was trying to fix his board.

"Your speed and agility lacks discipline and focus. A knight must learn to control their movements and channel their energy towards their goals. Remember, a knight is not just fast, but also precise and calculated." Jet groaned at the critique, but the group knew that Caliburn was right. They still had much to learn before they could call themselves true knights.

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