Chapter 5: The Knight of the Sun

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With the help of the horses, the heroes were able to make it to Titanic Plain on the Highlands in just a few hours, sometimes stopping to let them get a drink. Everybody was impressed on how the young horses were able to keep up with their pace, and how quickly they made it to their destination.

"See? I told you I know a good steed!" Jet taunted Shadow, who was still looking a bit queasy from the ride.
"Tch. Whatever."

Sonic took the time to admire the land of Titanic Plain, the lush green fields and natural rock structures making him whistle in admiration.
"Wow, this is surprisingly not lifeless like some of the other places we've been to. It's actually quite beautiful."

"Indeed. Titanic Plain is one of the few places of the Highlands King Arthur didn't drain of its life." Arondight explained, with a hint of sadness in her voice. "At least, not yet..." Shadow noticed the viper's change of expression and tried to comfort her.
"We'll make sure he doesn't have the chance." The words brought a soft smile to her face as they continued to walk on the fields of grass.

"Hey, you seem to wanna stop the King as much as we do." Silver pointed out.
"Camelot is a land that I have sworn to protect. It is my duty as a sacred sword to ensure the safety and well-being of its people. I would do anything to protect this kingdom."
"But, if you wanted to stop the king, why didn't you?" Caliburn asked.

"After your 'betrayal', the King made the sacred swords swear that we would only serve our wielders as just weapons with no sentience or emotions. We were not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the kingdom or question the King's decisions. 'Twas a difficult time for me, but I had no choice but to follow his orders."
The group looked at Arondight with sympathy, understanding her predicament.

"I think the worst part of it all was that he forced the other knights to not even acknowledge our existence. I would often feel Lancelot look at me with pity in his eyes, but he couldn't do anything to help. I was alone, trapped in my own body, unable to interact with the world around me. I can only imagine how the other sacred swords felt, forbidden to interact with their wielders and serve only as weapons..."

"Arondight, I'm sorry you had to go through that." Sonic spoke softly, placing a hand on her hilt in comfort.
"Thank you, Sonic. But 'tis in the past, and I am grateful to have been given the chance to fight alongside all of you now. Thou hath given me a purpose beyond just being a weapon again."

"Hmph. I know how that feels." Shadow replied. "It takes a lot of courage to put the past behind you. I admire that." Those words made Arondight smile and nod in approval.

The group continued to walk in silence for a while, letting Arondight's words sink in. Caliburn was feeling an extreme weight of guilt, thinking about how his desperation to save King Arthur would have caused the others to suffer, and how he had been unintentionally involved in the king's corruption. Sonic noticed the sacred sword's troubled expression and patted his hilt gently.

"Don't beat yourself up, Cali. You just wanted to save the king. Anyone would've done the same thing in your position."
The sentient sword didn't answer and leaned on his shoulder, still feeling regret about whatever happened that almost made him take the king's life.

As they continued on their path, a pair of Knights of the Underworld appeared before them, giant axe in hand.
"Giants!! Éviter!!" Arondight yelled, while Shadow narrowly avoided a swing as she went to his grip.

"Woah, that is some big burly beasts!" Sonic exclaimed, dodging another attack.
"Indeed. You must press the attack, fast and furious!" Caliburn advised through his grip, and Sonic couldn't help but snort at the 'fast and furious' part.

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