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Rajput Family

Arun Rajput and Aarna Rajput

Grandparents of Trisha. Loves her a lot but acts irrationally sometimes.
Age - 71 and 68 respectively

Karan Rajput and Shikha Rajput

Parents of Trisha. Protective about her. But doesn't hold her back from doing something that gives her happiness.
Age - 48 and 46 respectively

Dhruv Rajput and Aashi Rajput

Chachu and Chachi of Trisha (paternal uncle and aunt). Loves her and considers her as their first daughter.
Age - 46 and 45 respectively

Madhav Saxena and Aditi Saxena

Fufa ji and bua of Trisha (paternal uncle and aunt) Not the typical relatives. Infact her favourite relatives as they bring new books everytime they visit her.
Age - 47 and 44 respectively

Ayush Rajput

Older brother of Trisha. Makes her cry but will kill if anyone else dares to.
Age - 25 year old

Laksh Rajput

Oldest Rajput grandchild. Her chachu and chachi's son. Protective about everyone. Treats Trisha as his child.
Age - 28 year old

Anaisha Rajput

Youngest Rajput grandchild. Her chachu and chachi's daughter.  Loves her tiku di and always asks for advice to her.
Age - 14 year old

Aadrika Saxena

Only duiti (daughter's daughter) to Trisha's grandparents. Her bua and fufa Ji's daughter. Closest one to Trisha.
Age - 21 year old


Singhania Family

Bhavin Singhania and Arya Singhania

Grandparents of Aadrik. His grandmother hates his mother because she wasn't her choice for her son.
Age - 73 and 70 respectively

Ishaan Singhania and Aakriti Singhania

Tauji and taiji of Aadrik. His taiji is jealous of his mother because she gave singhanias hier before her. His tauji tries his best to keep him away from office work so that his son can take over after him.
Age - 53 and 49 year respectively

Sahil Singhania and Jhanvi Singhania

Parents of Aadrik. They love him to their core. They try not to be around their family as their taunts are practically neverending.
Age - 50 and 45 year respectively

Gaurav Singhania and Aadya Singhania

Chachu and Chachi of Aadrik. They are the ones who keeps their business to themselves and are unaware of their family dynamics. All that matters to them is each other.
Age - 47 and 43 year respectively

Ranveer Singhania

Cousin of Aadrik. Son of his chachu and Chachi. He is the only one after his parents for whom Aadrik cares.
Age - 22 year old

Harish Singhania

Youngest grandson of the house. Son of his tauji and taiji. He is extremely jealous of Aadrik and thinks that he will take away what belongs to Harish. Lowkey jealous of Ranveer because he doesn't share any bond with any of his cousins due to his mother.
Age - 21 year old

Anika Singhania

Youngest and most pampered one. Daughter of his tauji and taiji. When she wants anything she gets it. A pure puppet of her parents especially her mother.
Age - 20 year old.

These is the family arc they have. Next we will have their friends.

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