Chapter 2

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Unse nazare kya mile
Roshan fizayein ho gayi


Aadrik's Pov.

As my class got over, I moved to canteen only to see my cousins fighting. I am literally tired of them.

"Mai aur Bhai Tera dhyan kyu rakhe ?! Tujhe fir kuch chahiye na. Aayi badi pyaar jatane" Said my brother Ranveer. We are cousins but I consider him as my sibling only. My mom loves him more than me and I am totally not jealous. *note the sarcasm*.

"How can you be so mean to me?" Said the witch i.e. Anika. I am so done with her fake years. I decided to meedle here. "Anika it's better if you stop bothering us. Also I got your many complaints. Atleast don't spoil our family name. You can act like a brat at home as well. Atleast behave in public. "

Anika stomped her feet and sat a bit away with her minions or like she calls them Anisties (some twisted name for Anika and besties. Pata nhi kaha se sujha ise yeh bakwas naam)

"Ranveer don't let her get you angry. This is what she wants. To ruin us. Her mother urf her mentor is teaching this only. Don't let her ruin your reputation." I adviced him.

We then decided to have something. I ordered my black coffee and sat. That's when my unfaithful eyes went to her. She was siting there with a guy. She looked pissed for some unknown reason. Her little frown was super cute.

Priyanka watched me as I shamelessly started at her. I think I saw Priyanka with a small smirk from corner of eyes. Ranveer and she suddenly started acting weird. They started to sing. And god were they terrible. I felt as if my ears are gonna bleed so I stuffed their mouths with tissue paper. They took it out but did not dare sing again sensing my anger.

I turned to look at her and saw her laughing at something that guy said. My little human looks pretty laughing.


Third person Pov.

Anika saw her cousin looking at a fresher. She cooked up a plan in her pea sized unused brain. She thought "looks like someone is going to let me have a entertaining year".


Trisha's pov.

I left my class as the lecture got over and decided to head to canteen with Varun. He is a fun guy. I think he can be a good friend. I made a note to tell about him to Siddhi in my mind.

We entered canteen and took a seat. The crowd here is perfect. Not so much that I would get crampled under their legs. Not so less that I would feel alone.

I racked my eyes taking in my surroundings when I saw the rude pretty man from morning talking to someone. It felt more like scolding though.

Such a brat. That girl looks innocent. The girls moves away being irritated. What a bully !!! I wish I could call my psychology teacher and complain but we aren't exactly each other's favourites.

I had a frown on my face and he looked at me. His eyes are captivating. His eyes are mysterious. And I don't think I should be the one solving this mystery. I am here to get successful that's what I am gonna do.

I and Varun ordered Chai and Maggi as it is love. We were talking about anything and everything. Varun looks around as sees that guy. He almost squeals and tells me he is hot. I mean he isn't wrong but personality matters and I am too much loyal to Alex. I can't betray my Mr. Sunshine Protector.

Varun said something that made me laugh like a maniac sarcastically. "He literally looks like a fictional character. " sure bruh. Here I thought I can't betray Alex and this guy is calling him a fictional character. What irony !!!

Suddenly his friends started singing. I mean I don't sing well myself but God are the horrible. I pray silently to God to have some mercy on me. And they stop. I look at them and they have tissue stuffed into their mouth and having a pouty look. They look cute. Everyone is pretty here.

He once again looks at me and then goes away. He is cute but rude.

What is this Mr. Rude Pretty man !? Stop confusing me.


Third Person Pov.

As Trisha was busy in her la la land, Anika approached her.

"Hey. Are you two new here ?! I would love to have new freshers as my friends." Said Anika.

Varun looked a bit skeptical but shaked his hand with her. Trisha smiled sweetly and shaked hands with her.

Anika smirked internally and thought let the game begin.


I am sorry for short updates but this will be it for today. I will try to update more tomorrow.

Words - 815

Your dolphin.

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