Chapter 6

87 11 8

Tera hone Laga hoon
Khone laga hoon
Jabse Mila hoon


Aadrik Pov.

I saw an earing near the stage and immediately recognised it since Trisha wore it. It must have fallen while she was showing her phenomenal moves. This little jhumka is so pretty just like her. Let's see where destiny takes us, Ms. Jhumka.

Next day

I and Priyanka were walking in lobby during lunch. Honestly speaking this girl is cool and annoying at the same time. She keeps on talking about me and Trisha, like girl we didn't have our first conversation. Apne gaadi pe break toh laga.

(Put a stop to your thoughts)

Anyway, Ranveer joined us soon. Great so today is "try to get yourself killed by Aadrik day" for these two. Because I swear to god I will kill these two. They are continuously speaking about Trisha.

"Why don't you two marry her ?! You guys are literally so obsessed with her. Especially you Priyanka. Kya lag raha hai tum dono ko mujhe kuch samajh nhi aata ?!" I said to these two idiots who immediately zipped up their mouths as if their stupid plans weren't just revealed by me. Who do they think I am ? They think I won't understand how they are trying to make me react by using Trisha's name. Fucking idiots.

(What do you two think that I am not understanding you two are upto ? )

As we were moving ahead. Priyanka again interrupted, "Hey Trisha!!"

Oh for fucks sake. I turn to scold her again when I look at her. She is wearing a pink Kurta and jeans and man does she look nice. I never thought a mere suit can be styled the way she did or maybe it's just her features that makes it even more beautiful. She is again wearing a jhumka. Looks like she loves it. Why the fuck am I taking notes on what she likes and what not ?! What the fuck is wrong with me ??



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Priyanka moves towards her and says , "Hey Trisha. You look beautiful."

Trisha replies, "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself.

Trisha turns towards Ranveer and raises a brow to which Priyanka introduces Ranveer to her.

Ranveer takes her hand and bows down. Fucking idiot trying to show chivalry when he doesn't even know C of it. I give him a side eye to which he rolls his eyes.

Soon Varun joins us and we move towards canteen. She was walking ahead of me. I kept staring at her time to time. The way her jhumkas made small noise almost inaudible until you focus on it. The way she smiles at stupid jokes of Ranveer. I seriously need to do something of this boy.

She thanks Varun and Ranveer for taking a stand for her in front of Anika. I feel extremely jealous and I don't even know why !? It's not like I did it for her to thank me. I just want her to give me attention. I swear to god I am officially going crazy.

As we reach canteen we see Harish and his minions sitting on our usual table. Great !! This way the only thing left.


Third person Pov.

Harish looks at Trisha. He is awestruck by her. He keeps on staring at her making Aadrik's blood boil and Trisha uncomfortable. It was as if Aadrik noticed her uncomfort that he suggested everyone to instead go to cafe across their college. Trisha gives him a look of gratefulness and he blinks reassuring her. It's as if they have an inbuilt understanding for each other that even they both are unaware off. All they know is that they will make sure the other one is safe and comfortable. They didn't know what to name it and maybe they didn't want to name it because sometimes a connection cannot be named it can just be felt. Just how these two were feeling.

Trisha tried her best to avoid him but it's as if her heart is forcing her to look at him every now and then. She takes in his extremely beautiful features. His almond shaped eyes are something that always manage to catch her off-guard.

After they returned from cafe, everyone dispersed to their classes. Since Trisha did not have any class she walked near the pond surrounded by an eye catching garden full of roses. It's aesthetic matched the book she was currently reading perfectly. She was reading her book with full concentration unaware of her surrounding. Aadrik looked at her from far. A cute little frown was present on her smooth forehead making her prettier than she already was. Her eyes focused on the book failed to notice shadow of a 6 ft. man behind her.

Aadrik stood behind her and tried to read what she was reading and oh boy was it something that he expected!!! He thought, "So our Ms. Jhumka isn't as innocent as she looks like."

His inner voice commented, " our ? When did become our ?"

He avoided his inner voice and continued looking at her with a loving gaze not caring about surroundings and the fact that his not so loving cousins were watching him.

Harish felt extremely jealous. All he wanted was to hit Aadrik but who was he kidding ? He does not even hold power to touch a hair of Aadrik let alone hit him.

"I promise you will be mine Trisha." Thought Harish as he walked by.

After the lecture was over , others found Aadrik and Trisha focused on book Trisha was holding.

"What are you two reading ?" Asked Varun making both of them flinch.

Trisha frowned thinking who else is reading and turned only to see an embarrassed Aadrik with his ears red. Her eyes widen thinking he read whatever she was reading and blushed profusely. Her rosy cheeks gave Aadrik the urge to touch them but he controlled himself and reprimanded himself for thinking something like this about a woman.

Priyanka noticed the awkwardness and announced the information she was dieing to tell. "Guys, our freshers is next week. The theme is frat party. You all will come right."

Aadrik and Trisha came out of thier thoughts listening her and immediately nodded. Aadrik was a bit skeptical but the thought of seeing Trisha made him excited. He was never someone who would be interested in such things but looks like everything he once believed in is going to change.


Precap - Freshers party

Arent these two cute ?!

Words - 1087

Your dolphin.

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