Chapter 1

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Aisi uljhi Nazar unse hat ti nhi.
Daant se reshmi dor kar ti nhi.


Trisha's pov.

Here I stand in front of my dream college waiting in line to show my college ID and enter. Definitely not the first morning I imagined but I'll let it pass and pretend this never happened. I was the last one to enter and every fresher after me was denied the entry. Why ?! Don't ask cuz even I don't know. "Bade college ke bade chochle". ( popular college shenanigans ) I was trying to be as optimistic as I could leaving my overthinking ass at side when my day decided to get even worse. I got bumped into someone. Way to ruin your day Trisha !!!

I saw his eyes as we both fall on ground contemplating what actually happened. I was shamelessly checking him out and he seemed to do so too. He got up and I cleared my throught expecting him to give me hand or help me get up but who was I kidding boy!! He simply looked at me , rolled his pretty brown eyes and left. Wow... and I thought I will finally have a love life here. The guys seem no different than how they were in school. Kids !!!

I was busy cursing the pretty stranger in my head when I realised that I have to head onto my class. I ran through the corridor to reach my class only to find everyone silent and the teacher introducing himself. And I am again going to embarrass myself cuz I am late. "This is why mumma says to not speak so much about something. Lag gayi na Nazar." Taunted my inner self.

Yes, I talk to myself.
Is it a sign of mental illness ? Yes.
Do I care ? No.

I mean obviously how else will create those pretty fake scenarios with Alex.

You might wonder who Alex. Well I meant volkov. I am obviously Ava and I want an Alex. But that didn't mean I had to bump into a pretty stranger who is extremely rude. My Alex would never do that to his Ava. Huh.

Yeah. So the whole class looked at me as I gave an awkward smile and the professor smiled at my direction. He was a 50 year old man with nice dimples. I think he will not be partial against me. He seems the sweet type.

I made my way to the centre seat left for God knows who. A boy sat beside me and gave me a toothy smile. He looks cute. Totally Bhai vibes.

The pretty stranger still is more handsome.

"Hi. I am Varun Mittal." Introduced the guy who sat beside me.

"Hi. Trisha Rajput this side." I gave him a soft smile.


Aadrik's Pov.

I was already running late thanks to the stunt my cousin tried to pull at our home. Well Anika is a spoilt brat and don't get me started on her ill manered mother. I know we should not talk about elders like that but do I look like I care ?! This mother daughter duo decided how it will be perfect to pester me as it's her first day of second year. Is it my fault she didn't make friends last year ?! Why do I have to help her ?! Why doesn't she asks her fucking excuse of an elder brother?! Too much for being the oldest child. *Sigh*

I seriously don't want her around me. I was running to my class when I bumped into a child. What's a kid doing in college ?! Looks like a fresher. I hurriedly got up. I saw her expecting a hand but didn't help her. Well that's what college is little human. It tells you what adulting is. Okay. Might be too big of an explanation for a small act but I don't care. All I care about is moving to my class.

I run to my class and sat at first seat. My best friend Priyanka is a junior. She is pursuing journalism. I don't exactly like making friends because I don't trust people other than Ranveer , mumma , papa and Priyanka.

I try to concentrate on taking notes when my head starts to wander around a certain light brown eyed little girl. I can't help but be captivated by her pretty face. She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

"You are not here for these things. Don't forget your goal. Idiot" reprimanded my inner self.

Yeah. I am not here for this. I need to study. I need to become CEO before my uncle gives it to his son. My another cousin Harish. Brother of Anika. He hates me. It's quite visible on his face. But sometimes I also feel he hates the bond I and ranveer share. Ranveer is my chachu's son. He is my best friend. He is the only one I would vent my feelings out to.

Our professor is a terrible person. I mean who the hell teaches accounts first thing in morning. Khud bhi jiye doosro ko bhi jeene diye. But nhi.

I try to concentrate but again my concentration breakes as the boys nd girls starts to laugh at something professor said. He and I both are confused. Must be some so called double meaning joke they understood. Don't know when will they grow up.

As the professor tries to discipline the, {key word : tries} I still am stuck in the thoughts of the pretty girl.

What are you doing to me little human ?!!!!

What are you doing to me little human ?!!!!

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Trisha's outfit of the day

I am sorry for updating so late. Trust me I am trying but it's just my health...

Words : 948

Your dolphin.


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