Chapter 8

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Bura na mano baat ka
Yeh pyaar hai gila hai
Haa.. yahi kahoge tum sada
Ki Dil abhi bhara nahi.


Third Person Pov.

Trisha and Varun were sitting in their English class and were completely bored. They woke up at 6 today and it was their third lecture of the day. They were feeling as if all their energy is over and will sleep the very next moment.

They gave each other look of not attending this class for next week. Their entire class was either napping or using their cell phones. No body listened to the professor and even the professor didn't care. He was busy lecturing not caring if anyone is listening.

Trisha has always loved English but only 2 teachers have made her feel like it's the most boring subject in the world. Her school teacher and this professor. Varun had slept while Trisha was recalling her similar condition during school days. Unfortunately she did not have liberty to leave the class back then for next week like she did now.

Meanwhile Aadrik, Ranveer and Priyanka enters the campus. They were moving towards their class when they stopped outside media hall. They shook their head looking at Trisha and Varun.

Priyanka muttered to herself, "Ho jayenge used to yeh bhi."

(They too will get used to. )

And shook her head. Aadrik and Ranveer thought to save thier juniors from boredom and entered the class. They asked professor if they could make an announcement.

"All the students interested in helping for Ganesh Chaturthi Pandal making can come along."

Trisha broke from her gaze and flinched listening to the voice that often comes in her dreams. She gave them a wide smile enough to split her face into two and make Aadrik's heart go haywire. To him the prettiest smile will always be hers.

Sensing his gaze she looked at him and gave him a grateful smile and dragged half asleep Varun with her.

Varun was too stunned from being dragged to understand what is happening. Not until they reached pandal did he get what they were doing. He smiled and took Aadrik and Ranveer into a big hug leaving Aadrik stunned. Trisha rolled her eyes watching Varun being so close to Aadrik which did not go unnoticed by Aadrik. He smirked to himself, "So someone doesn't like Varun with me. Interesting." He stated to himself in his mind.

All of them began decorating the pandal. They talked to their principal who told them that they can help in decorations and Ganpati would be brought by all the professors.

They began making floral background with silver mirror shimmers making it apt for Durga pujo pandal as well.

While the decorations were going on the group kept laughing and playing around. Ranveer kept irritating Priyanka who gave him a look of "I will kill you soon". Trisha was too focused on making the floral background that she didn't notice how Harish was looking at her. What Harish didn't know was that his brother saw him and gave him a look to back down or he will not be able to look at anyone which made him extremely scared.



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