New Neighbors

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AN: So, it had been a couple of months, but I am now ready to start my sequel to More Than Just Friends! Even though this first chapter would be based on The New Paranormal episode, for the most part, this story won't be based on the Season 2 episodes in particular and would have its own series of events, unlike the first story. Anyway, I hope you would enjoy this new Mollibby story!

Chapter 1

New Neighbors

It was a bright and sunny summer day in Brighton! As the summer days counted down, it was nearly time for everyone to go back to school, so everyone tried making the most of their last few days of summer.

No one was making the most of their summer more than Molly McGee and her now recent girlfriend, Libby Stein-Torres. Their summer started out amazing when they confessed their love for each other after they spent an entire school year keeping their love a secret.

Both, Molly and Libby had been through a lot to gain the courage to confess their love for each other. They went through a lot of drama and heartache, especially with the Ghost Council trying to separate them. In the end, it was all worth it now that Molly and Libby were finally together.

The two girlfriends decided to have a relaxing day together by sitting down in the backyard, enjoying this wonderful summer day. They both held each other's hand as they reminisced on their first summer as girlfriends.

"It has been an amazing summer hasn't it, Libby?" Molly briefly took her eyes off the sky as she turned to face her girlfriend.

Libby then turned to face Molly and smiled. "Yes, Molly! Being your girlfriend made this the best summer of my life!"

"Aww! You're so sweet, Libby!" Molly smiled before she and Libby kissed each other on the lips.

"It's just too bad that summer is nearly over." Libby let out a disappointed sigh.

As Libby said that, Molly remembered that the two of them would be starting their first year of high school in a few days. Despite how there were only a few days of summer left, Molly knew that there was still time for her and Libby to have fun.

"Hey, why don't we ask Scratch if he can spend the day with us?" Molly suggested. "We can all play instruments together and start our own band if you like!"

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun!" Libby smiled. "Let's go see if Scratch wants to join us!"

At that moment, Molly and Libby walked back in the house as they made their way up to Molly's room. Molly opened the door to the attic as she was ready to tell Scratch about her plans for the day.

"Hey, Scratch! Libby and I were wondering if you would like to hang out with-" Molly paused as she was greeted with an unexpected sight.

It turned out that Scratch wasn't the only one in Molly's room. Both, Molly and Libby were surprised to see that Scratch was with four other all too familiar ghosts.

"Aah! It's the Ghost Council!" Libby screamed before backing away in fear.

"They are back for revenge after we killed the Chairman!" Molly started to panic as well.

"Whoa! Relax!" Scratch tried to calm Molly and Libby down. "They are not here to cause any trouble.

"It is true!" Sir Alister spoke up. "We wish to make amends with you."

Surprised by this unexpected turn of events, Molly and Libby shared a couple of shocked looks with each other.

"Y-You really mean it?" Libby asked.

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