Libby's Birthday

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Chapter 6

Libby's Birthday

Ever since her recent encounter with Jinx, Molly took extra precautions to keep the Chairman's cloak safe. If dealing with Jinx wasn't bad enough, Molly also had to keep an eye on the Frightmares as well. That was when Molly decided to tell the Ghost Council what was going on.

After putting on the cloak and giving Scratch the news, she asked him to take her to see the Ghost Council. Once Molly and Scratch entered the Ghost World, they approached the Ghost Council as Molly told them what happened back at Ollie's house.

"So, what you are trying to say is that the Frightmares are currently being held at this Ollie Chen's house and we don't have to worry about them for now?" Sir Alister asked, wanting to understand the whole situation.

"That's right! I'm sure that they won't be bothering us anytime soon!" Molly assured the Ghost Council.

"Great job, Moll! You're just starting off as the Chairwoman, and you are already keeping the Ghost World safe from Frightmares!" Scratch encouraged his best friend.

"But she didn't even do anything!" Lucretia argued.

"Hey, the Ghost World is still standing under her rule, isn't it?"

With an annoyed sigh, Grimbella placed a ghost and up to her face in annoyance. "At least with the Frightmares detained, we would be able to continue your Chairwoman training."

"Ooh. Sorry, I can't!" Molly replied with a nervous chuckle.

At that moment, the Ghost Council stared at her, dumbfounded. They gave Molly the Chairman's cloak to rule over the Ghost World and she wouldn't take her responsibilities seriously.

"What do you mean you can't?" Bartholomew asked, annoyed with Molly.

"Today is Libby's birthday, and I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Molly replied with a cheerful grin.

The Ghost Council couldn't believe what they were hearing. While they understood how important Libby was to Molly, they believed that training Molly was also important.

"I don't believe this! Scratch, talk some sense into your friend and tell her she needs to continue her training!" Sir Alister ordered.

At that moment, Scratch floated over to Molly before placing a hand on her shoulder, seemingly ready to tell her she can't go to Libby's birthday.

"Molly." There was a pause before Scratch excitedly asked. "Will there be cake at Libby's birthday?"

"Of course! Libby's mom said she would bake the cake herself!" Molly happily replied.

"Then it's settled! We're going to Libby's birthday party!"

Before the Ghost Council could argue, Molly and Scratch turned and flew away. The two friends excitedly flew through a portal back to the human world, leaving the Ghost Council silently wondering if they made the right choice in making Molly the Chairwoman.

The time for Libby's party to begin got closer as more of her friends had arrived. The McGees, along with Andrea showed up for Libby's birthday. Even Scratch, along with Geoff and Jeff showed up in secret. The only ones left who needed to arrive were Ollie and June.

The siblings sat in the backseat of the car as their parents drove them to Book Marks the Spot. With the car parked right in front of the bookshop, Ruben and Ester turned to say goodbye to their kids.

"We hope you two have fun at Libby's birthday!" Ester smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come inside with you?" Ruben asked. "It would be nice for us to get to know Libby's mom!"

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