First Year of High School

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Chapter 3

First Year of High School

With the summer coming to an end, Molly was hoping that her last few days of summer would be amazing. She couldn't be anymore wrong. For Molly's last few days of summer, the Ghost Council brought her to the Ghost World so they could tell her about her responsibilities as the new Chairwoman.

It was boring days like this that made Molly wish she hadn't considered being the new Chairwoman. After all the time she spent learning all these boring responsibilities, Molly could have used that time to ask out Libby on a date. Instead, she was forced to learn about how the Ghost World works.

Once the first day of school began, Molly had to get up extra early to attend her celebration as the new Chairwoman. Molly soon put on the Chairman's cloak, transforming her into her wraith form before Scratch opened a portal to the Ghost World.

The two friends flew through the Ghost World together as the time for Molly's celebration got closer. Molly stood on a stage in front of what appeared to be all of the ghosts who lived here. With a reassuring smile, Scratch stood by Molly's side to make her feel more comfortable.

"Spirits of the Ghost World, we would like to introduce our new Chairwoman, Molly McGee!" Sir Alister announced.

At that moment, Molly floated to the front of the stage to introduce herself.

"Hello, everyone! I am Molly McGee, and I will be the new Chairwoman of the Ghost World! Unlike the previous Chairman, I promise to make the Ghost World the best it can be! I promise that the Flow of Failed Phantoms would never return, and all ghosts are free to do whatever they want!"

The ghosts already started to like their new Chairwoman as they all cheered for her. As Molly's speech came to an end, she floated off stage as she spoke to Scratch and the Ghost Council.

"So, how did I do?" Molly asked.

"You were great, Moll! Everyone loved you!" Scratch replied, happy for his best friend.

"Indeed! Consider this to be your first step as Chairwoman of the Ghost World!" Grimbella smiled.

Suddenly, the sound of sarcastic slow clapping can be heard. It was at that moment when Molly heard a familiar voice that she hoped to never hear again.

"So, you are the one who is replacing the Chairman? You will never live up to how great he was!"

At that moment, Molly turned to the ghost who spoke before she glared at her in anger.

"Jinx! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just came to see our new Chairwoman." Jinx said as she floated towards Molly. "Why the Ghost Council chose you, I would never know!"

"What? Jealous that you didn't get to be the Chairwoman yourself?" Scratch taunted Jinx.

Jinx soon turned to Scratch and shot back, "No one was or ever will be better than the original Chairman! There can be a second best Chairman though. Perhaps if Molly would just hand me the cloak."

"I don't think so, Jinx! I don't trust you! Let's not forget that you were the one who killed Libby and nearly let the Chairman banish her soul to the Flow of Failed Phantoms!" Molly reminded Jinx, still angry with her for killing the girl she loved.

"My only regret is that I didn't kill you too!" Jinx yelled a glare. "You'd better enjoy your time as Chairwoman while you still can, McGee! Once I have my revenge, I promise that the Ghost World, Brighton, and everyone and everything that you love will change!"

Without another word, Jinx floated away. As Jinx was gone, Scratch decided that it was time for him and Molly to go back home.

"Sheesh! Looks like Jinx is still being a sore loser!" Scratch said, dismissing Jinx's last words as an empty threat. "Come on, Moll! You wouldn't want to be late on your first day of school!"

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