Blooming of a New Romance

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Chapter 10

Blooming of a New Romance

Another day of school went by as Molly, Libby, Scratch, and Ollie walked back home from school. They were about to wait at the bus stop for Darryl and June, but Molly and Ollie were surprised to find out that their siblings were already here.

Darryl looked up towards his sister with a nervous smile and said, "Uh, hey, Molly! Hope you had a good day of school!"

Knowing that Darryl was hiding something from her, Molly stared at her brother in suspicion. "What did you do?"

"Nothing! Principal O'Connor just overreacted!" Darryl defended.

"He did not overreact, Darryl! I tried to warn you not to prank him with leftover Halloween decorations!" June explained.

"Oh, don't pretend that you didn't help me out with the prank! It was thanks to your remote controlled devices that we were able to move the decorations in the first place! Besides, have you seen the look on O'Connor's face when those bats flew by him? You can't tell me it wasn't hilarious!"

Unable to hold back her smile, June burst into laughter. "Okay! It was pretty funny! I'm just sorry that you had to take the fall for me."

"Eh, don't worry about it! I'm used to getting detention anyway!" Darryl assured.

"Well, maybe we can hang out together once your detention is over."

"Sure! I think I would really like that!" Darryl replied.

There was something about his sister that seemed a little different to Ollie. As June was talking to Darryl, Ollie noticed a slight blush on June's face. Molly noticed the same for Darryl as well. This wasn't the first time they noticed this. They remembered how nervous Darryl and June were back at the fair and during Christmas. Knowing that something was going on between Darryl and June, Molly stepped close to her friends before she whispered to them.

"Hey, guys? Have Darryl and June been acting a little strange lately?"

"Now that you mention it, those two have been acting a little nervous around each other." Ollie noticed.

"Not to mention that they are both blushing whenever they hang out with each other lately." Libby explained. "You know, Molly! Seeing Darryl and June interacting with each other kind of makes me think of-"

"Of us." Molly finished Libby's sentence for her before Molly excitedly grabbed Libby's hands as she whispered. "Oh, my gosh! Libby, don't you see?! Darryl and June are in love with each other, just like us!"

Darryl and June soon blushed in embarrassment as they were able to overhear what Molly just said. It was at that moment when Molly lowered her voice as she continued to talk to her friends.

"Guys, we have to get Darryl and June together and I have the perfect plan!" Molly whispered, unable to contain her excitement.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Ollie asked. "Those two might need some time to understand their feelings for each other. Maybe we should just let them figure it out on their on."

"You really don't know Molly at all, do you?" Scratch asked Ollie. "Once she comes up with a Molly scheme, there's no stopping her."

For the past couple of hours, Molly has been gathering her friends together to tell them her plan to get Darryl and June together. They all put their plan into action as they were setting up all kinds of romantic decorations around Molly's house. With everything set up, Molly and Ollie met up Darryl and June and told them that they have a surprise for their younger siblings. Little did Darryl and June know that their older siblings were setting them up on a surprise date.

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