Friendship Between Humans and Ghosts

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Chapter 14

Friendship Between Humans and Ghosts

Ever since Molly and her friends defeated Jinx, everything has slowly been returning to normal in Brighton. Now that Ruben and Ester finally know about Scratch's existence, they spent the past couple of weeks getting to know Molly's ghost friend better. This ended up being the strangest couple of weeks for Ruben and Ester. Their whole lives, they have been hunting ghosts, but they have now befriended one.

To celebrate their new friendship, everyone decided to celebrate by spending time at the fair together. Fireworks were launched in the sky as the McGees had a fun time with their neighbors, happy that they no longer had to keep Scratch a secret.

"I still can't believe that you had a ghost living with you the whole time!" Ruben exclaimed, still surprised that the McGees have been friends with a ghost for all these years.

"Yes, sorry that we have been lying to you all this time." Sharon apologized.

"Oh, there's no need to apologize." Ester assured. "We understand that you were just trying to protect your friend! Scratch is a really nice ghost. Maybe a little grumpy."

Pete chuckled in response. "Yeah, that's Scratch, alright! Speaking of which, I wonder how Scratch and the others are enjoying the fair so far!"

While the adults continued to have their conversation with each other, Molly and her friends were hanging out with each other by playing games and eating snacks. They just finished playing a balloon popping game before they decided to relax.

"I have to hand it to the employees at the concession stand! They know how to make these nachos delicious!" Scratch smiled before taking a bite out of a nacho.

"Yeah! The carnival games were pretty fun too!" Darryl added.

"And to think that there are still some carnival games that we hadn't played yet! Want to try to earn some more prizes, Darryl?" June asked.

Darryl nodded in response. "Of course! I'll make sure to get you the biggest and coolest prize ever!"

"Thanks, Darryl! You're the best!" June blushed before following Darryl.

June's blush didn't go unnoticed by Molly and Ollie. Even though Darryl and June's date didn't go as they expected, Molly and Ollie still had hope that their younger siblings would get together some time in the future.

It was at that point when Scratch decided to leave too to get some more snacks to eat, leaving just Molly, Libby, and Ollie together. As he was spending time with his two friends, Ollie reminisced on all the time they had spent together since they first met at the beginning of the school year. Ever since they had met, Molly and Libby had not only convinced him to see a new perspective of ghosts, but also freed him from the possession of a ghost who tried to take over their home.

Ollie looked up at the sky before he commented, "This has been a crazy couple of weeks, hasn't it!"

"It really has been!" Libby agreed. "I'm just glad that you're parents now see that there are ghosts who can be good!"

"Me too! After everything that had happened, I never got a chance to thank you two for freeing me from Jinx's possession. Molly. Libby. Thanks for everything! I'm so lucky to have friends like you two!"

"Aww! Libby and I are happy to have you as a friend too, Ollie!" Molly smiled before she and Libby embraced their friend in a group hug.

Before long, the three friends broke from the hug before Ollie asked, "So, want to go on a couple more rides? I'm sure that there are some rides we didn't try out yet!"

"You can go ahead! Molly and I will catch up!" Libby promised.

"Yeah. I think Libby and I will watch the fireworks a little longer." Molly explained.

Seeing that Molly and Libby wanted some alone time together, Ollie gave an understanding nod. "Alright! I'll see you later!"

With that, Ollie left to go on the rides, leaving Molly and Libby alone together. The two girlfriends held each others hand as they watched the fireworks in awe.

"Wow! They look so beautiful!" Libby gazed at how amazing the fireworks were.

"And do you know what the best part is? I get to spend this wonderful night with the best girlfriend ever!" Molly complimented before kissing Libby on the lips.

At that moment, Libby kissed Molly back. They soon broke from the kiss as they stared lovingly into each others eyes. Despite all the trouble that Jinx caused them, Molly and Libby have been there for each other through all of the tough times and will continue to be by each others side no matter what.

"I love you, Sunshine!" Libby smiled as she and Molly embraced each other in their arms.

Molly smiled back, happy to spend this moment with her girlfriend. "I love you too, Ahuvati!"

The End 

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