A Spiritual Final Battle

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Chapter 13

A Spiritual Final Battle

Now that Jinx became the new Chairwoman, Brighton became engulfed in darkness. While Jinx and the Frightmares were getting ready to take over the Ghost World, the McGees continued to think of a way to stop Jinx.

"Things are getting worse than ever." Sharon said as she noticed all the destruction the Frightmares caused to her hometown. "These ghosts aren't going to stop until they take over Brighton."

"Maybe we should get Ruben and Ester to help." Pete suggested. "They are ghost hunters! If they captured the Frightmares once, I'm sure they can do it again!"

Scratch gulped at the mention of the Chens. "Look, if you plan to ask for the Chens' help, then leave me out of it! There is no way I'm going to risk getting captured by them! If anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs with Molly and Libby!"

With that, Scratch flew upstairs to take a nap. Pete and Sharon were about to continue to think of a plan before Scratch floated back down immediately afterwards with a worried look.

"Okay, you two are really not going to like this!" Scratch said, earning a couple of concerned looks from Pete and Sharon.

"What aren't we going to like, Scratch?" Sharon asked.

"It's Molly and Libby. They aren't here!" Scratch explained, much to Pete and Sharon's shock.

Meanwhile, rain poured down as Jinx led her army of Frightmares through the dark streets of Brighton, ready to take over the Ghost World. Using her ghost powers, Jinx summoned a portal to the Ghost World.

They were about to step through the portal before someone stood in front of them. The Frightmares were ready to attack before Jinx raised an arm in front of them without keeping her eyes of her adversary.

"Here to stop me, McGee? You are either brave or foolish!" Jinx mocked, but Molly still held her ground.

"I'm only going to tell you this once, Jinx! Give back the cloak and get out of Ollie's body!" Molly demanded.

"Or what? Let's not forget that I'm the one with the cloak!" Jinx pointed out. "I have an entire army while you are all alone!"

A smirk suddenly appeared on Molly face as she replied, "I never said I was alone! Libby, now!"

With Jinx distracted, Libby rushed towards her before removing the cloak. Now that Jinx was no longer in control of the Frightmares, the ghosts let out shrieks before flying away all over Brighton. With her army gone, all Jinx could do was watch as Libby handed the cloak to Molly.

"It's over, Jinx! You can't take over the Ghost World without your army!" said Libby.

Even though she no longer had the Frightmares on her side, Jinx wasn't worried about it. She simply summoned her scythe as she got ready to fight.

"Don't think that you have won! I'll just take back the cloak and regain control over the Frightmares! It's only a matter of time before I take over both worlds!"

"I'm not going to let that happen!" Molly yelled before putting on the cloak.

Once she turned into her wraith form, she summoned her own scythe, much to Jinx's surprise.

"So, you have a scythe too? This should be fun!" Jinx smirked before charging towards Molly with her scythe.

Lightning flashed as Molly and Jinx's scythes clashed with one another. Molly struggled to fight back with her scythe shaking in her hands, all while Jinx pushed back with a sadistic grin. Despite how strong Jinx was, Molly was not going to give up so easily, especially with her friends and family in danger.

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