Date at the Movie Theater

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Chapter 7

Date at the Movie Theater

It was a bright and peaceful day at Brighton when Molly decided to hang out with Ollie by helping him pick up trash at the park. They both cared about the environment so much and wanted to keep their hometown as clean as possible.

A couple of hours went by before Molly and Ollie managed to clean up the whole park. With all of the litter picked up, the two friends gave each other a high five, congratulating each other for a job well done. After all of the work they had done, Molly and Ollie decided to take a break by sitting down on a park bench.

"Whew! That took a little longer than I thought, but it was worth it in the end!" Ollie looked around the now clean park. "Thanks for helping out, Molly!"

"Don't mention it, Ollie! I care about the environment as much as you do, after all!" Molly replied, happy to help. "Now this park is perfect for humans and ghosts to hang out at!"

Ollie nodded in agreement. "You're right! If only my parents would feel the same way though."

"Don't worry! I'm sure that we will get your parents to see that ghosts can be good!" Molly assured. "I mean, June seems to be getting along with ghosts pretty well lately!"

"Yeah, she really is! Just the other day, June met up with Geoff and Jeff on her way home from school, and she was asking them all kinds of ghost related questions! She is just really eager to learn more about the Ghost World! Speaking of which, how is running the Ghost World going for you so far?" Ollie asked.

"Exhausting." Molly replied with a sigh. "Ever since I skipped out on my training to go to Libby's birthday party, the Ghost Council ended up being more strict than ever with my training. I barely had time to spend time with Libby, but it would thankfully all change because Libby and I plan to have a date at the movie theater later today!"

"Aww! That's really sweet!" Ollie smiled. "I hope you two have fun on your date!"

"I'm sure we will! That reminds me, I'd better get back home to get ready." Molly stood up from the bench before waving goodbye to Ollie. "Bye, Ollie! I'll see you later!"

Ollie waved goodbye back as he watched Molly leave. "See ya, Molly! Good luck on your date!"

Once Molly returned home, she spent the next couple of hours getting ready for her date with Libby. She finished up brushing her hair before getting a text from Libby. Molly picked up her phone to see that Libby was on her way.

With a smile, Molly returned to her room to say goodbye to Scratch. Her ghost friend was just laying around, as usual, ready to sleep the day away. It was at that moment when Molly tiptoed towards Scratch, and booped him on the nose, waking him up.

As he opened his eyes, Scratch stared at Molly in annoyance. "What do you want, Molly?"

"Oh, just thought I'd say goodbye to you before I go on my date with Libby! And to let you know that I'm taking the Chairman's cloak with me!" Molly replied before showing Scratch the cloak. "We can't let Jinx have it!"

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about! Just let me get some sleep!" Scratch rolled to his side.

It wasn't long before the doorbell could be heard. Excited, Molly looked outside to see Libby was waiting for her at the front door.

"Oh, it's Libby! I'll see you later, Scratch!" Molly waved goodbye before meeting up with her girlfriend.

Now that he was finally able to get some peace and quiet, Scratch began to relax. He closed his eyes and was ready to go to sleep before he heard a portal open right next to him. Assuming that it was Geoff, Scratch let out an annoyed groan.

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