"How can you put a price on something worth more than life itself..."
Chapter 14
July 25, 2015
_____"Because Shakespeare was the greatest writer of all time, no ifs', ands', or buts'" Zayn argued playfully, sitting across the table from Ella.
She shook her head, yet again, in disagreement. "On the contrary, Mr. Malik. While William Shakespeare was a phenomenal, and sensible writer, John Green is just as good, if not better."
She took a French fry from his plate, and ate it.
He smiled at her, whilst chuckling. "What did this, 'John Green' write, that was anywhere close to being 10% as good as Shakespeare?"
She leaned back in her chair, arms folded across her chest. "The Fault In Our Stars, & Looking For Alaska. Those books are amazing, and I strongly advise you to read them."
"If you have them, I will read them. I need to see what all of this madness is about. How could anything be better than Shakespeare?"
It had now been three days since he had seen Ella.
Their date had been filled with in depth conversations. Mostly about books, but they also discussed their dreams, and what types of milkshakes were the best.
They came to the conclusion that it depended on where you purchase the milkshake, differentiating the flavors, and the tastiest ones.
He had already read both of the books that she had recommended that he read, and had to admit, John Green was a memorable writer.
Although he did enjoy 'Looking For Alaska', he adored the love story of Hazel Grace Lancaster & Augustus Waters.
And he would admit to having shed a few tears when 'Gus' had his pre-funeral, and when he died.
"You finished the books, I assume?" her sweet voice filled his ears, automatically making him smile.
She sat at home on the couch, curled up with a mug of hot chocolate, watching the snow fall in a beautiful array.
"Please tell me that there is maybe a sequel? What happens next, baby? What does she do? Does she move on, does the cancer then take her?" he questioned.
She giggled. "What do you want to happen, love? How do you want it to end?"
He scoffed. "I'd like to change the whole book, frankly. What kind of man writes a story about love, then dooms both characters to death?"
"John Green"
"Well obviously."
"There's a movie to it, you know." she chided, chewing on her bottom lip.
He sighed. "Do I want to see it? I can't decide. But do I want to come and spend a night watching sad movies with my sweetheart? Nevertheless, of course I do."
"I will see you tonight at 8" then she hung up the phone.