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Persues Jackson sat on the edge of a cluff full of greenery. His eyes were shut closed, with a soft expression, he enjoyed the feeling. As a demigod he didn't have that sense of relaxation, especially as the only demigod son of the seas. He always had a monster on his trail, and when he was at camp, there was always someone watching his move. Like a film to see him mess up, but here, it isn't the same.

Yes, he still had the nerving presence and pressure of others watching his every move, awaiting for a mistake, but he didn't need to act a certain way, because out here nobody knew he was the almighty son of Poseidon. Hell, they didn't even know he really existed until now, meaning his actions could be covered.

Alas, the sense of freedom always comes to an end, especially with the fates never on his side. The thumping of feet pounded the floor, causing him to furrow his brows. "Evening Percy, you're father wished to speak with you. It seemed urgent, something about our late lieutenant Zoë Nightshade's father," Piper spoke next to him. He felt confused on why she hadn't just said Atlas, soon he realized al the other students that now crowded him.

" 'Course. Move," He mumbled out. Percy Jackson rushed the halls, passing my first years with ease, before stumbling into the royal common room. "O Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Poseidon." The glimmering fog soon began to make the shape of the sea god.

"Percy! It's great to see you again," he shouted, the background rumbled as he began aging increasingly. Percy smiled softly, blowing away a strand of stray hair laying between his two eyes.

"What's wrong? What happened with Atlas?" Percy was tired from all the classes, and was in a rush to get to bed as soon as possible.

"Right, Atlas has been attempting to freeing himself. We have him secured with the Hunters of Artemis stationed there to keep guard. But I'm only warning you to be careful, just incase he finds a way to get to your group," he responded slowly. Percy knew what it meant and sighed.

"We'll keep watch don't worry. I'll be checking in ever so often just in case," both raven, dark haired males nodded sternly at each other before slashing through the call. Guess he has to go warn the humongous group of what was to come at some point.

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