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SCENERY:: Royal Meeting Room

RACHEL ELIZABETH DARE SIGHED, SHE RUBBED HER FOREHEAD IN STRESS. Her curly red hair tied in a messy bun with small strands hanging out. She's glad that no oracle had occurred, until last night. She gave an odd oracle
'Demigods show the way to all
Wizards hide secrets in the walls.
Beware the dark gods
As all could be lost with the wrong bonds,
May death do us all'

Was it odd? Yes, did she tell the demiods? Of course! But right now they had different matters. Rachel couldn't hold it in any longer, she knew they had to know. Which was why they were in the demigod room, signified to look like the one at the Big house.

"What's wrong, Rachel?" Percy questioned leaning onto the table. Annabeth smiled, urging her that it was okay for her to let it out. The two were good friends, which gave Rachel comfort when she thought all was lost. The black headed boy began eating blue marshmallows before passing them around for others to eat.

"Okay, I wanted to keep this a secret because I didn't know if Clovis was okay but, Hazel has noticed he's been a lot more tired so I just have to do something! Clovis has been having this nightmare every night, I think he feels unsafe. He keeps checking his body, like— like he was stabbed..." Rachel continues to ramble on with walking. Her hands making large motions.

"Do you want to...give more information about it? Just so we can figure out what it is?" Annabeth questioned, lending a soft hand on Rachel's shoulder.

"I love him, guys. He's like my little brother! But he always looks like he was killed when he wakes up. I want to know more; I do, but he seems to shaken when he wakes up." Rachel cried out in almost tears. Hazel rushed to her aid, and hugged her tightly. "I don't know how to help him.."

"Then let's talk to him, with enough people at his side, I bet Clovis would be more than happy to open up," Will offered groggily. He rubbed his tired eyes with a grin. Everyone stared at him, concerned at his stature, making him furrow his brows, "What?"

"Will, go get to bed. You're not fully healthy, for me, Love," Nico snuggled next to him. He kissed his boyfriend's lips and grinned. "Let me know how it goes!"

"Will do!" Leo grinned loudly. He waved at the son of Hades and sighed, "alright. Let's do this!"

Multiple people left, having things to accomplish, but others followed Rachel to the room of Hypnosis. Rachel Dare slammed the door open, quietly of course, not wanting to wake the boy. She slowly walked towards the blonde male and shook him awake.

"Huh..." Clovis wondered, drool slipping off his lips. Katie giggled, grabbing a wipe from Piper and wiped away the drool again his cheek. "Wa...happenig...?"

"Clovis, can you tell us about your dream? Rachel is worried about you, we just want to help?" Piper slowly whispered. She fixed his messy hair, smoothing out his hat.

"Oh..I guess," he whispered. He cleared his throat, coughing out pieces of blood, "oh no... oh gods, I think..it's happening— Atlas and Lucius are trying to take over the world, they have the pearls from the sea of Poseidon— and they broke them— I think I'm-"

"Those pearls. The pearls of Poseidon were a gift from Hypnosis, someone get Hypnosis on iris message!" Annabeth realized. Percy and Lou Ellen rushed around, creating the rainbow, "Dear Goddess of the rainbow, show me Hypnosis, wherever he is."

"Oh your such a cute little duck— oh hello! What's up Annabeth?" He said. His voice was soft at first, before becoming tough and strong.

"I have a question, and quick, are the pearls you gave to Poseidon connected to your children. If so what happens to the children when they break?" Annabeth asked. Her voice rambled fast, making everyone stiffen. As far as most of them know, she's never talked that quickly before.

"Well, yes one is connected to the pearls. But if we're talking about specifics, it's Clovis, he was there when I created them, I don't really know how it happened. But there's many things that can happen to him. One being stabbed," Hypnosis rambled on. "Well, if that ever happens to him. Which shouldn't as Poseidon was supposed to keep them near him at all times, then it's best to get clouds, but use normal ones, scientific ones are not as helpful. I find that clouds ease the mind, his mind heals his wounds."

"Odd, but understandable," Annabeth waved the small portal away and nodded at the group. Looks like they were going to go on a roadtrip to the skies.

Woooo! I enjoyed this chapter. So I'm seeing so much potential in these next chapters 🤭

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