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THE SUN GLISTENED WITH SWEAT AGAINST WILL'S FOREHEAD. He groaned softly. He set his hand against his forehead and sighed. Ginerva Weasley looked at him from the corner of her eye and frowned.

"Mr. Solace! Are you alright? Need I send you to the infirmary?" Professor Binns coughed. He set his hans against Will's desk. William Solace looked up with a tired expression. He gulped and nodded. He stood quickly and walked out faster than ever.

That morning he had felt completely different. He was calmer, healthier. Yet once classes began, he felt his stomach churn with nerves. He attempted to heal himself, but he could only feel himself slowly slipping away into sunlight. Like Nico, his boyfriend, he slipped away into the very essence his father was made.

His hands wrapped the golden knob and he swung the secret door to the royal common room. His hands closed the camouflaged door and he crashed against the maroon couch.


"Will? Where are you! Binns said you left abruptly and—" Nico yelled. He walked around the corner with Leo and Connor at his tail, or bottom. He paled even more when Nico came into view. The three boys frowned at the pale sun kissed demigod.

"Don't!" He yelled out. The three stopped, Leo stumbling back on his butt from Nico's abrupt freezing body. Warmth radiated off of Will Solace's body as cold, freezing, air radiated off of Nico. "I just need....A second"

"Will....you need some help. How about we get your dad here?" Connor whispered. Will gulped in tears, without a response Nico nodded. Connor stiffened and headed out to find Jason and Percy.

The two demigods had been together inside the great hall, Connor only discovered this after running through the entire school halls. He bursted inside, panting with hands on his rugged knees.

"Woah, Connor, relax," Clarisse snorted, the group had to all return after winter break, making her disappointed. She walks up to the panting demigod and hugs him, "Missed you, squirt."

"Me— too. Perfy, Jasom—" Connor exhaled through his cut up breathing. The two men stared at him and frowned, knowing it wasn't good. Connor caught his rugged breath and sighed, "we need Duke Solace, it's an emergency."

"Alert the royals of Council Oracle," Percy stiffened. He stood up abruptly and he and Jason left. Connor frowned, he didn't know where the others were. He set off to find the royals and inform them of the mission.

"Apollo, this isn't some sort of mistake, Will Solace is in serious trouble and injury. He is quite literally radiating off the sun!" Jason yelled at the god of the sun. He was waving away the issue of his son for second until he heard those words. The god sat up and nodded. The iris message ended, leaving Jason pleased with himself.

"Can we hurry this meeting up? We need someone to deal with the students, mostly the members of that phoenix group," Lou Ellen muttered. Thalia and Reyna snorted in sync, and nodded. "Oh right sorry, the order of the phoenix"

"I find that name ridiculous," Rachel Elizabeth Dare said in a mimicking Hermione voice. The group gave slight chuckles, giggles, and laughters. "Okay, I think Percy should go, if they object then he can use his power on them. Like his ranking."

"That makes sense. All in favor, hands up," Katie nodded. The group, aside from Clovis and Will and Percy, rose their arms. Katie nodded, looking at Rachel who looked accomplished.

"Fine. But just to be clear, this now means I get to be the leader" he smiled childishly as if he wasn't always already leading. Jason even agreed, knowing he was terrifying if needed.


"Percy! There you are! We have many questions, and they all need answers!" Hermione stood up from the chaos and grabbed his sweater's collar. Her face was between anger and seriousness, but Percy couldn't tell between her red face or bulging eyes.

"Ya, ya." He grinned. He pushed her away and stood up at the podium, where Headmistress McGonnagal would stand. He cleared his throat and began when all was silent, "I understand your frustration and anger, as well as confusion. I feel this way a lot; you're not alone. To explain this situation without getting too ahead of myself would be to say that...without a doubt, we are all fine. Sometimes being royals holds too much power and weight, so we all have climaxes. This one was a bit of a melt down but it will all be dealt with soon enough."

He looked at his palm where Annabeth's hand writing was smudged against it with a pen. He smiled at the crowd and could notice they felt, noticeably pleased with the confrontation. "Needless to say, Duke Solace will be arriving here in a few days, so I suggest you inform all students with information on us Royals. They get shifty when no one knows about them," Percy muttered at McGonnagal as he walked by. She nodded, sending the professor's acknowledgment on the issue.

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