and you taste like danger (nb/f)

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but i feel so safe in your arms.

in your arms, i'm free.

in the flesh that covers me close, that doesn't miss a single part of me, i am safe. clothed with your skin. roped, intertwined with flesh never mine, i look to you in the silence of night. as rain pours around us, and storms level my certainty, i look to your heat for guidance. lights flickering, ground rumbling, yet you remain clear. concise. real.

i miss you.



They notice how quickly she falls asleep in the palm of their hand, how she snuggles their warmth, the sweltering heat being a comfort as she loses hers. Slumber, she had suggested, as the pitter-patter of the outside brought them to silence. Comforting, alluring, slow were their movements as she let her eyes rest.

Ayden let out a breath as they brought themselves back to reality. It made sense Savannah had been tired. She never showed it, but compared to the day the duo met she'd walked with less haste, processed a bit slower, talked less to fill the silence. The gaps of socialization she once despised, the thirst for knowledge beyond the human realm, had shrunken and eventually brought her pockets of solace, even if she never admitted it to Ayden.

They frowned as they stood gingerly, eyes never leaving the small being in their hand. Pritams were curious creatures, yes. Some could go as far as to say they were friendly at first glance.

Ayden frowned. But how they'd treated Savannah...

They finished stomping out the thought as she snuggled deeper into the skin of their palm, reminding them of their mission. Right...They thought, as they went down the cottage corridor. Their little passenger.

As much as they wanted to forget the thought, the little human's existence and its effects remained on the giant's mind. Somehow meeting their family had become their extended family, and that had extended to the rest of the village, and eventually their entire population. Granted, when she'd said that a cnetent of people, or hundred as she told them verbatim, was only a drop in an ocean for human populations, that had spurred on the questions everyone to barrage her with. Even the ones that didn't like her existence had sucked it up on that day.

Ayden's frown deepened. But then they kept coming the next day. And the next day. And the day after that. Somehow, they'd been responsible for scheduling her - something they only took up because she would've burned out earlier if she did it on her own. With each appointment, they warned her - watching for bruises, scratches, and irritants as she was returned when the Cyanzie star set gold in the distance. Ayden took note of the Pritams that mishandled her, slowly cutting them from her presence, despite her insistence.

Finally, the 97-foot-tall being and their companion reached their stop - Ayden's work study. Off to the side was the bed they crafted for her - specified to the microscopic specifications she had sketched before all the fame. Back then, it was three of them - Ayden, Hoolum, and Savannah. As they gently stretched their hands to her resting place, a small smile graced their features. If they shut their eyes now, they could still imagine the scare Hoolum had seeing the human, the shortest Pritam freaking out at a being smaller than them. Using the ocelura (magnifying glass was the nickname Savannah used), and two sets of the Cyanzie, he had built the perfect cot for their human friend - with a couple of other sketches she had wanted to come alive.

Savannah clutched to their palm as they tilted it slightly, alerting them to her consciousness. Gradually, her eyes opened as she held to the heat, taking her surroundings in before craning her neck to them.

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