scared (m/mf)

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"Blake, you can't be serious."

She delicately touched her curls, looking up at the menace that warned her. "You're just jealous that you'll no longer be the tallest in the room."

Aaron scoffed. "As if," he said, crossing his arms. "I'm just worried about y-"

"Save it, double A battery." She interrupted. "You know Terrence would never hurt a fly. Now help me climb this fence."

The 6'7 man sighed. Double-A battery? "Bossy, aren't we?"

He felt a punch to his shoulder. "Thought I couldn't reach you, big baby?"

"For the last time, I'm not scared of Terrence."

She turned to him slowly. "Good. You shouldn't be." He shuddered as she turned back to the fence. "Now prove it and help me up!"

Begrudgingly, the taller of the two brought his hands to Blake's sides, hoisting the 5'3 woman by her love handles as he lifted her atop the fence. After verifying that she straddled the top bar, he watched silently as she waved to the person on the other side, beckoning to be picked up.

The quakes that followed didn't scare Blake. Unphased by much, Aaron could only stare as a hand that could hold his entire upper half gingerly came for the girl in question. A hand dressed in mahogany brought her down from her perch, its size reminding Aaron of exactly why he didn't come here often.

"Need a lift?" Blake teased from the other side, to which Aaron shook his head.

"You know I can't see you responding, right A-ass?"

Aaron shook his head, grinning. "That was the worst nickname yet."

"I've heard worse, to be honest."

Terrence. He thought, and hated how his body shook a bit at the voice that followed his. Deep, bass-booming Terrence, always ruining his banter with Blake. He ignored the earth's tremors below as the mini-giant dropped off Blake, before making his way to the other human.

"Nobody asked you, T," Aaron mumbled, his voice shaking slightly.

A hearty chuckle silenced any other protest, and lo and behold the giant was staring down at him with a grin to match his joy. Aaron folded his arms across his chest as he looked up to the 15-foot wonder.

"You're cute when you're angry."

In this distance, both boys heard a snort from Blake, an expression that elicited two very different responses. The joy from Terrence's face only increased in intensity as Aaron's own scowl deepened. Aaron sighed.

"...Well, Blake thinks you're cute even when you aren't," Aaron managed as he scaled the fence, watching Terrence's face morph into confusion as his once loudmouth friend suddenly went silent. Finally, he'd reached the top of the 10-foot fence himself, watching Blake's expression morph to bashfulness.

"Angry?" Terrence tried, still confused. He turned to face Blake, who was sitting quietly on one of his steps. "Cute?"

"Trust me, I don't get it either," Aaron found himself saying as he jumped down the fence. What was happening? 

"You can call bigger things cute." Blake managed, scoffing as the two boys closed the distance between them and her. "Like how Aaron can think you're cute, Terrence."

Aaron flushed red.  What the- "But I don't," he interjected, ignoring Terrence's gaze. "You're the one that likes him."

The mini-giant shrugged, watching the tops of the humans' heads as they scaled his steps to the front door. "But doesn't it make more sense for it to be the other way around? Like, Blake, you're no taller than my knee."

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