thoughts (f/m)

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[Did you find it?]

His voice was so small to her. Impossibly small. Greta huffed, aware of the space she took up in the enclosure. Their enclosure, her thoughts reminded her. The same thoughts that seemed louder, larger than Allen - that if physical, would swallow the human from the very ground he stood.

Greta grumbled. "Did you?"

Silence was her answer. Or at least, she had thought, until the unmistakable subtle patter of the human's soles could be picked in the wind blowing towards her ears. Sensitive, he had called them, not with malice but genuine curiosity. Stupid, she had responded back - to him or herself, they could never really know.

Until now. [Sorry] came his words, hesitant yet crisp in her enhanced ears.


[I know it's a sore spot.]

Greta squinted. If she blinked, she could see Allen's skin strip from the very body he wore - the shivering that in her mind would eventually lead to the reveal that no, this wasn't real. The giantess frowned. None of this was real. Something would glitch, she'd wake up, and she'd be alone again.

She felt something stop in her throat as she attempted to piece him back together. As if he'd been broken in his apology, and his reasoning. Through blurred vision she sniffed, ignoring how the resolve of the smaller being wavered with her every breath.

"I..." her voice faltered. She'd used it just fine before, but now...

[You don't have to answer] he said, and despite being so ridiculously tiny he'd somehow been louder than ever. Maybe he'd last a few moments longer in the ring with her thoughts.

Maybe he could fight for her, too. "I..." she trailed, looking past the 6-foot figure. "I couldn't."

There was determination in the word, but somehow it had shaken the giantess more than it had shaken Allen. Still, Allen persisted closer, closing in on her frame wedged in the corner of an otherwise open space.

[You're free, you know.] He said, and her head never snapped to him faster. Maybe she WAS dreaming? Her eyes flitted to the bars, then to him, and back to the bars again.

Did being trapped here change him, too?

A small chuckle interrupted that train of thought. [Free to talk about it, I meant.] He said bashfully, and despite her indignance Greta found her ears reddening at the notion.

"I knew that," she mumbled, and her thoughts began to swirl again. If they were real, they'd feel like static. Touch her hands and swallow them, before turning to swallow Allen.

She paused. If her brain caught, wasn't something she'd considered before. Meanwhile, what she was considering was the warm, tiny mass climbing up her leg. She huffed, but the heat that spread to the rest of her features wasn't helping her one bit.

[You okay? You look a bit...]

"You're too CLOSE!"

She hadn't realized her mistake until silence answered her, both in the enclosure and in her thoughts. Slowly, she opened her eyes - looking at the wreckage she did to her cellmate. His hands were pressed to his ears, and his eyes couldn't bulge further out of their sockets if he tried. Greta's shoulders tensed as the thoughts began to trickle in, but unlike before they demanded a grip on her, a fervor that she hadn't experienced in a while.

You could've killed him-

You ALMOST killed him- (why did you do that)?

(Kill the human) How could you?

Let him (die) live!

Don't let him (get away) suffer...

(It would be so)

"I was..."

She hadn't realized she'd shut her eyes again until he spoke. Those thoughts were dangerous, and as her mouth watered her hands flew to cover the display.

[You okay?]

She nodded, but the tears that threatened to spill before were no longer just threats. What was both frustrating & relieving for her, would prove catastrophic for him. Another nod, this time a directive, guided him away from the radioactive drops. For later, the hunger tried, but she'd long stopped drooling and instead focused on what she knew.

Relief...and pain.

"I don't think you'd like it if I were honest."

Allen shrugged, taking a brave step forward. [It's not fair, what they're doing to you...]

Greta let out a dry laugh. "It's fair to them."

[But was it to...Chandler?]

The thoughts had said it, she was sure, but if she replayed it Greta swore the human had said it too. She quickly wiped away her remaining tears, bleary eyes refocusing on the being in front of her.

"Chandler's...dead." She tried, studying the human for a dream-like reaction instead of...whatever this was.

[He's alive- ]

"Stop, Allen." She commanded, and for a moment it felt like before. He was the smaller one, she was the bigger one. "Stop," she whispered, and it was then she realized it could never be the same again.

For the first time in a long time, she unfurled herself from her curled position, standing in her prison at her full 74-foot height.

"You're not Allen..."

The human in front of her shrugged. [That's what you call me, yes.]

To her surprise, he stepped closer. And closer. Her head was spinning, he was walking towards her, and would soon crash into the purple waste her tears had been made of. Stop him, the thoughts tried, somehow remembering a taste she'd never actually tried on her lips. It made humans...taste metallic, but she didn't have the slightest clue how she knew that.

Or how they knew that.

"Al-" she said, and her breath hitched as he took a step.

Just like she'd feared, he began to sink. The puddled, purple substance began to surround the human, conforming to his form like a suit before scrunching him up like a ragdoll.


He didn't disappear. The substance stretched, something she had never seen before, as the light from its width blinded her to what was happening to the human. It didn't drip, or fall with his limp form as she expected.

It...soaked. Absorbed into whatever this being was, right into his very form. She'd opened her eyes another time, finally catching glimpse of the being behind the transformation. Her eyes widened.

He'd lied to her.


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