love away the fear (f/f)

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"Don't be afraid," the giantess rumbled, a sadness evident in her smile.

Kara smiled back. "I'm not," she said, taking a step towards her open palm.

The 87-foot figure shrunk slightly at the bravado, her palm beginning to shake. "Be brave..."

Kara put her hands on the flesh in front of her. "Be brave..." she repeated.

"Be wise..." The giantess said softer, tears forming.

"Be...wise..." Kara echoed, pulling herself to the heat that drew her in.

"And be..."

Samantha breath hitched, her palm hesitant as the girl settled gently into it. Snuggling the flesh below her, the younger of the two began to hum, oblivious to the rising of the platform she was currently soothing. Kara's eyes fluttered as she imagined the words, hitting every note as the hand that held her close began to relax, the shaking growing more and more distant until it settled completely. 

"And be..." Kara prompted, whispering. 

Samantha nodded. "And be kind."

She brought her hand close to her face, burying her nose deep into the human that dared to comfort her. Kara smiled, and ignored the wet drops that soaked her along with the outfit she'd saved for this occassion. Resuming her humming once again, she embraced her guardian's nose as she took it all in - the tears she was crying, the relief and hurt and confliction the giantess was feeling, all of it. Kara let out a sniffle of her own, but she'd promised herself that she would be strong.

"Be kind, like you always have been," she echoed, willing herself away from the teenager. "To me, to aunt Becky, to Emmanuel," she whispered, the force of her size with the soft intention of her lips sending chills down Kara's spine. "But most of all..."

She brought the teen further down then. Samantha looked upon her with awe, wiping the tears from her face with a free hand. Kara kept her eyes peeled as the palm rocked slightly with the motion, stabilizing just long enough for the genuine smile that sat as she brought Kara back to the ground.

"Be yourself," she said, and the words reverberated through Kara's head. "You've been through so much, and tomorrow will only bring more."

"Be myself," she repeated, in semi-disbelief and a touch of whimsy. The revelation hadn't said much, but in that moment it had shook her more than hand rides ever did. Self-care, Kara thought, watching through bleary eyes as Samantha looked at her for the last time, giving one more heavy handed wave before leaving her to the life she was to embrace.

"I love you," her voice carried as the door closed. It tucked her in like the warmth of her blanketts, eased her nerves like the sound of a bedtime story, and was her anchor as everything in her life threatened to go dark. In Samantha's absence she found the words she had just left, tasting them on her tongue and repeating them until she believed them.

Don't be afraid, her thoughts whispered as she walked through the refuge's human door, making her thoughts known to the receptionist.

Be brave, they uttered as she was escorted through to the world beyond the glass doors, a town with size accomodations she had only dreamed of in the past.

Be wise, her thoughts chimed as her feet dragged her to that door, to the address that Samantha's residence had found all those weeks ago, the only place safe enough for her in a place so unfamiliar.

The door opened, revealing the person on the post card. 6'3, and angry, the man who'd she'd thought left her all those years ago brightened at her approach, his scowl quickly being replaced with a concerned smile. She felt her stomach drop as she forced a smile, letting him sweep her up in his arms as she prrocessed the life she was about to now live.

Be kind, she thought as she met the rest of her family - the brother and sister she'd never met, and the mother who made it all possible. After a Q&A dinner, the last tip nagged her as she settled into the room that was ordained for her, unpacking her phone as she swiped through memories.

Be kind, they started as she pulled out her phone, swiping through her gallery as she located the memory. She pulled out her earbuds, letting them connect as she reminisced before hitting "play." She watched with hopeful eyes as a younger her ran across the old wooden table, the scratchy and distorted audio of those before her brightening the mood in the room. She let herself laugh a bit, quietly, as tears of her own formed, her hands twitching for the warmth she had left behind. The audio continued playing, with Emmanuel's one-liners and Samantha's qualms muffling as her brain remembered one of the last things the giantess had told her. Be kind to yourself.

And as the tears fell and the screen dimmed, the hands she'd wrapped around herself felt insufficient, but the words whispered from behind the closing door seemed to fill the hole only a giantess's touch could.

"I love you," she said, hugging herself tighter.

And I'll miss you.

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