drinks on... (f/nb)

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The two times that Minda drinks what Angel makes her, and the one time that she doesn't.

Miranda (or "Minda," which since middle school had somehow grown on her) was tired. Take your classes online, her peers had said on what felt like her hundredth day of job-searching. Avoid the hassle of integration, said her conservative parents, to which she'd rolled her eyes. Do it on your own time, her brother Sam had pushed, convincing her to submit the application which led her here.

She'd known that her Master's would be a lot of papers, but this was ridiculous. The Asian American giantess sighed as she prayed for her laptop to not embarrass her as she walked through the coffee shop's door.

It was ironic, she thought, how everyone had initially planned on her being home all the time. Her parents, who somehow were more okay with her being pansexual than seeing humans akin to giants, had talked about Minda keeping tabs on her giant classmates - who she would be interested in, and making plans to meet them at home. Her brother had lamented his freedom, which was dumb since at 17 he mostly drove to meet his friends. Her friends tried making plan after plan with her, since she was in town, but given the workload and her constant need for space; the whole "homebody except for home parties" schtick got old quickly.

The libraries nowadays were filled to the brim with other students, and other chains weren't as quiet and quaint as this one. Hence, the walk over here. Minda sighed as the bell atop the door jingled - she was always here to work, never to order.

A soft voice, no doubt a human, came on the intercom. "Malik Winston?" Their voice came, and immediately caught Minda's attention. Her eyes widened as they scanned for the source of the sound, gaze hardening slightly to capture whoever was behind the desk.

No luck, she thought as she brought out her materials. As expected, her laptop whirred soundly to life, flustering the 25-year-old as she imagined being anywhere but there. She began to type when the voice returned a few more times:



"I think this is a...Keenan?"

"Maxine- oop, I meant Marcie!"

Minda found herself daydreaming about the mystery person behind the counter, and eventually was getting so distracted that she opted to get herself a drink. Using her curiosity as her guide, she stood in the giant line with other customers, watching the counter's human line cross perpendicular as the sole human treated them both.

She let her mind wander, absentmindedly moving forward until the voice rang crisp below.

"What can I get you?" The voice asked.

Her eyes trailed down to the faceless voice from earlier. "I'll get- "

Fuck. She thought, eyes widening. She's...I mean, they're hot.

Minda barely registered the flag on the pin the human wore, and smiled weakly as her brain rotted any of the other words she was planning to say. Star-shaped earrings, a dark, vibrant afro, and a dark red lip combo were all it took for the giantess to swoon. She attempted not to soak this human up in their entirety, but she feared that if she didn't the giantess would've collapsed right there.

"Get what?" The human repeated sympathetically, leaning up on the register to hear the giantess before it clicked. They watched her eyes dart frantically from the menu to themself, and bit their lip before making a decision.

"Y'know what?" They said, the firm, yet silky grip in their voice trapping her once again. "I gotcha. One vanilla bean frappe, coming right up."

Minda managed a nod before swiping her phone to the NFC tag, the confirmation flashing in her peripherals as she found it in her to sit back down. So many questions ran through her head, but her mind wasn't on the drink of choice as a fellow giantess brought her the drink. She brought the straw provided to her lips, letting the flavor of their suggestion course through her.

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