redo (mf/mf)

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Justice was tired. She'd been with Elliott through it all - time loops and breaks alike. This one should've been like the others. They'd pursue the knot, glitch through time and space a few times before securing the dove that inevitably guaranteed them escape. Only now, her partner had been ignoring the flying anomaly. Over, and over, and over again.

It wasn't like the dove changed in each iteration. In every scenario they had gotten stuck in, the bug had been the same - gold, glittering, and impatient. She'd let it go the first few times - solving the paradox had been taxing enough to miss their exit 3 or 4 times before.

She sighed, noting how her afro drooped at the same pace she did. This had been their 25th time, and still-

"El, what the fuck are you doing?!"

He turned around, a sheepish smile on his features. "...helping?"

Justice folded her arms across her chest. The man turned back to what he was tinkering with, causing the already tired woman to focus her sights elsewhere.

Void, they had called it. An empty, navy blue expanse that held them in the pockets of time and space. Before they had been in a village, convincing a woman that her terrors about a man-eating giant was simply rooted in a malicious husband scheming for her riches with her in-laws. As complicated as it sounded to wrap their heads around, convincing her didn't take much - the in-laws were never really good at concealing their feelings.

But something in the aftermath had caught Elliott's eye. Something that he'd never noticed before. She wished she could see it, hell, during their 17th iteration she tried helping him, but of course he hadn't actually seen anything.

She let out another sigh. Had he?

"Done!" He said, relaxing.

Her eyes made their way towards him, but in the process found gold. Justice grinned.

"Just in time, too," she teased, letting her heaviness from before dissipate. She was making her way towards the flying timebreaker when something again. The 5'9 woman looked for her partner, who was exactly where she left him. Her eyebrows narrowed slightly.

"Aren't you coming?"

He shook his head. Against her better judgment, she walked back to where he was, prepping for the jolt that would sent them back to the village.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you've grown attached to the woman and her fairytale felons."

He chuckled. "Jay, we're not going to blip again."

She gave him a leveled stare. "Didn't you say that last time?"

Elliott shrugged as Justice managed to keep her composure. 26th time it is...she thought, slipping her hand into his. She watched the dove fade completely and started counting down from five in her head.






She blinked.


Her gaze immediately fell back on her partner, who met her's with a smug grin. She scoffed, once in disbelief and another because finally, something had happened.

"What did you...?"

Elliott puffed his chest out. "Made a disruptor. Every time we went to the village I took a part and stored it in my pocket."

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