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tw // death , mentions of death , mentions of car crash/accidents

tw // death , mentions of death , mentions of car crash/accidents

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Lee Donghyuck

Heartbreaks hurt. Especially if your best friend causes them.

Donghyuck should've known dating his best friend was a mistake. He should've seen the signs that she didn't like him as much as he liked her. It definitely would've saved him a lot of heartbreak.

Maybe he wouldn't be in line to buy a drink at Dream Cafe to comfort himself. Maybe if he didn't like her and got his heart broken.

Donghyuck stares blankly at the menu. Milkshakes, lattes, cappuccinos—All Donghyuck sees are the drinks he often orders for her, can't help but think about her just being in this place.

It's so stupid. He feels stupid. There are tears forming in his eyes and he feels so stupid. He hates it when he gets sensitive. He couldn't—shouldn't—cry right now.

The barista in front of him looks ready to punch in two drinks and the person behind is tapping their foot impatiently. The urge to cry gets stronger. It sucks.

He ends up ordering a random drink he doesn't like and the barista who takes his order every day gives him a small frown before Donghyuck pays and walks away.

And then he's thinking about everything he's lost in a single hour.

His girlfriend, his best friend, money on a cup of coffee he won't drink. He thinks about the dating app his best friend had recommended to him after she broke up with him and left him outside the cafe. He can add his ego to the list of things he's lost.

Donghyuck doesn't want to hate his best friend but he's not even sure she is his best friend anymore. Because who dumps someone like that? On a random day, outside the cafe they went to since they met as friends, then tells them to download a dating app to find someone new.

Now walking out of the cafe with a drink he'll probably never order ever again, Donghyuck just hopes the tears in his eyes don't fall. It's one thing to be broken up with, it's another to lose his best friend he thought could count on.

He doesn't download the dating app, but he keeps it in the back of his mind.

Maybe he'll download it later when he isn't so heartbroken.

Maybe he'll download it later when he isn't so heartbroken

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Na Jaemin

She's dead.

Jaemin desperately presses his bloody fingers against his younger's sister neck, begging to feel her pulse on the tip of his fingers once again as tears streamed down his face.

He won't find it, he knows, but he begs anyway. His parents are in the tipped car, unconscious. But right now, he cares more about the smaller body lying lifeless in front of him.

There's blood dripping down the side of his head and his legs burn like they're on fire. But he didn't care.

There's a crowd of people on the pavement next to the crash site, two cars extremely damaged from the impact and the crowd is blocking the way on the pavement. But he didn't care.

Buses and cars stop behind them, unable to move forward because of the accident in front of them. But he didn't care.

Jia is dead. That's all he cared about.

The sound of Jaemin screaming at his sister to stay alive drowns in the echo of ambulances and police cars making their way to the street, along with the soft murmuring of the crowd beside him.

But he didn't care.

Therapy was shit. Jaemin couldn't feel any change. It was all the same—neverending pain and flashbacks of that day. He didn't believe it would help. He didn't care. He just wanted his sister back.

His parents are alive but the only thing that mattered to him was his sister. It was their fault this happened. Had they just accepted they weren't a perfect family and stopped acting like they loved each other, Jia would be alive.

Days turned into weeks and soon months. Every day felt no easier than the last. It was hard to care about anything after the crash.

It took him weeks to finally listen to his therapist and finally work on himself. Not because he cared, but because he didn't know what to do if his sister found out how badly he was destroying himself.

But he did care, slowly but surely. He visited his father in the hospital and he asked his mother how she was doing. It wasn't much, to him, but it was something.

Slowly, he cared more about the therapy sessions and getting back on his feet. He cared about making himself proper meals and going to classes. And although he didn't care, he took note of the dating app advertisement he saw outside his therapist's office.

He wasn't ready for it, not yet, but he knows to consider it. Jia would hate if he gave up on his life entirely.

Maybe he'll download it later when he starts to care a little more.

Maybe he'll download it later when he starts to care a little more

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