Horrer films

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Quinn was never lonely.

She always had friends, family and boyfriends around her.

It all changed when she moved to Hawkins, more like Hawkins high school.

Everyone was idiots, they all picked on her for any possible thing, her extremely green eyes that sometimes looked hazel so people would call her a vampire.

Or her fashion sense being to pink and fluffy for peoples liking.

She was for once in her life lonely.

And right at this moment she had never felt more lonely in her life.

Quinn had just woke up with the world's worst hangover.

In Steve Harrington bed.

She was naked in Steve Harringtons bed with no recollection of last night.

It was all a blur to her, Quinn remembered drinking, a lot, and having a fight with Nancy but why was she with Steve.

Had they done it?

No way, now way, she probably just got hot right?.

Without thinking she grabbed all her clothes put them on her body and dashed out the door.

The hall to Steve's door felt like it kept going on forever and ever, never ending.

When she finally made it to the door she realised she had no way home.

Her house was at least 5 miles away and would take her hours to get home but had no other choice.

She felt as though someone was watching her, following her every move.

Quinn was all for horror movies.

She loved everything about them, the suspense, the blood, the makeup.

She found it all so exciting.

Her favourite horror films were the shining, beetle juice and the labyrinth.

Although she liked watching them she would never liked to be in one.

Which is why her survival instincts turned on as she sped back home.

She arrived home to a empty house.

It wasn't unusual anymore since her dad had left, she did mis her dad, obviously not getting beaten up but the times he would take her to the lake to go fishing or to the fun fairs and go out the scariest rides that were there.

She must him, she missed the fun times.

But it was for the better now, she was safe her mum was safe so she was happy.

When she walked into the kitchen she saw it trashed.

Everything was on the other side of the room.

Nothing was were it was meant to be. She scanned around to try see what happens but. Nothing.

Her body shivered at the sight.


It was everywhere, all over the floor, counters, knifes.

Someone was here and someone had left.

But they had not left something else behind.

Her mum. We're was she? Was she hurt? Was she dead?.

"Oh shit" Quinn mumbled.

This is not good. This was the bit in the horror movie we're the character would but putting the peaces together, figuring out what happened.

But Quinn's mind was blank, she had nothing, who knows what could've happened.

The small Sony trinitron was playing in the background.

Quinn perched on the edge of the couch trying to here the tv better.


He has escaped.

Flint had escaped out of jail and was on the loose.

She knew what happened now. The blank spaces in her mind was filling up.

Flint had took her mother that's what the blood was from.

She was next.

She new it, obviously he would want to get her back, she knew to much, and she could get him sent back away.

She was the next target and she was all alone in an empty house with a smashed window and crime evidence all over.

Without warning the tv switched of them moved onto another screen.

The movie playing was the shining.

This was it she was going to die whilst watching her favourite horror film with no idea we're her mum was.

Without having to think she ran up to her room and grabbed her dads ax.

She didn't know why he has an ax. He said it was for emergency.

I guess it was gonna come in handy because the the same window that someone had broke into was being used a door to her house.

She had never felt this much terror in her life.

Of course she had felt like this when flint got arrested or when her dad would beat her up.

But this was different, she didn't know what was going to happen but all she knew was that she was gonna die and be named Hawkins slut.

Quinn didn't want that title nor did she wanna die so instead of following the stupid horror movies she ran as fast as she could to her bedroom and out of the window.

This was probably one of the best decisions she had ever made, as she landed on the ground Quinn heard a loud growling sound coming from her house.

That wasn't flint.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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