Like pigs sent to slaughter.

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Everyone was ecstatic to meet their host. They were overjoyed when they received the letters of confirmation saying they would compete in this new reality show.
They couldn't wait, the cameras,the fame, and most of all. The fourtune. The prize was $100000, something that could easily turn one's life around.

"What's your name?" A goth girl named Gwen asked.

"I'm Courtney" "a C.I.T" She said holding out her hand.

"More like a b.i.t-" heather was cut off by their narcissistic host, Chris McLean.

"Hey! Not Cool Guys! Think of the children!"

Ironic, he didn't think once of the children he was leaving behind on this island, like pigs to slaughter. Everyone got to know eachother for the first few hours, at 6pm Chris called them to the campfire.

"Alrighty campers!" "Welcome to camp wawanaka, your new home for the next four weeks! Well, if you don't totally suck of course. There'll be cameras everywhere, reality TV people! What did you think?!" "Food is served at 7:30am, 1pm and 7pm"

"Will there be a chaperone of any sorts around here?" A the party animal Geoff asked.

"Well, your all 16, about the age of a counsellor in training at a su-" Chris started

"I was a C.I.T! Did you know?" Courtney boasted.

"Noooo it's not like you've told us, everr" Noah said sarcastically.

"As I was saying, there won't be any chaperones or whatnot, outside challenge time you'll be unsupervised"

"What are the sleeping arrangements, cos I'd like to reserve a bunk under her" Duncan said pointing his thumb at heather, the queen bee of some sorts.

"There not co-ed are they?" Heather said in disgust, saying co-ed like it was a horrible word.

"Nuh uh, girls on one side of the cabin, boys on the other" Chris told them, "so NO funny business!"

Ezekiel sniggered at the words funny business.

"Does homeschool over here even know what you mean by funny business" noah said.

"I dunno dude, I dunno"

"I would hope so"

"A.n.y.w.a-" Chris' walkie talkie buzzed.

"One sec"

"What do you mean there's two others?! THREE?!" "THIS IS A REALITY SHOW NOT A DAYCARE"

"what's that about" Heather said.

As if answering her questions, a honk of the boat containing three people arrived at the dock.

"NO! I AM NOT WORKING WITH HER" Chris snapped.

"Awwh hi chriss' blainley wiggled her fingers at him.

"O.M.G CHRIS MCLEAN!!! I AM LIKE SOOOOOO EXCITED TO MEET YOU EEEEEEE" sierra sqeualed shaking his hand energetically.

"Qué? We're staying here? What happend to that 5 star resort?!" Alejandro questioned.

"About that.."

"It's a summer camp, idiot" heather said impatiently, "if you couldn't tell"

"I'm dividing you into three teams because we have some" he shot a glare at blainley "dead weight"

"Courtney, Sierra, Noah, Cody, Duncan, Leshawna, Harold you are the killer grips" they all stood to one side.

"Alejandro, Heather, Gwen, Owen, Trent,Izzy, Ezekiel,Tyler youre the screeching gophers"

"Sadie, Katie, Beth, Justin, Blainley, Dj,Geoff, Bridgette, Lindsay youre the Toxic Hamsters"

Not like that matters.



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