Bruised Blainley

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I had no ideas for this one so it's lindsaycore :33

Heather was finally silent. No opinions. No arguments. No nothing. Blainley was kind of a replacement while Heather 'mourned'. Blainley was the new heather, Cody said. Everyone was extraordinaryly bored so they decided to exchange their worst fears.

"Well mine is.. probably getting attacked by an animal" Cody said first.

"Buried alive." Gwen shrugged.

"Thrown off a cliff." Blainley said.

"C-celine Dion cutouts" Duncan stammered.

Noah and Courtney burst out laughing.

"Hmmmm... Izzy doesn't have a worst fear!" Izzy said bubbly.

"Thunderstorms" noah said.

"That's weak" Duncan sniggered

"Ok, I'll just get my Celine Dion cutout, I'll be right back" noah said.

"Fuck you"

"Ew no"

"My biggest fear is... probably green jelly. It's so." Courtney shuddered,"ew-"

"My biggest fear is ninjas" Harold told them.

"My biggest fear is fire" heather said quietly.

Some people exchanged glances, they all knew the context.

"My biggest fear is probably...yeah, thunderstorms,like noah" bridgette said swivelling to look at noah.

"My biggest fear is not being able to partay!!" Geoff whooped.

"My biggest fear is a food shortage" Owen whispered guiltily.

"Mine is losing my good looks" Justin said while swishing his hair

"Ooooo mine is no more cherry red nail polish at the mall!" Lindsay said worriedly, holding her hand up to her mouth.

"Mine is chicken" Tyler said quickly.

Duncan sniggered.

"Celine Dion..." Cody said.

"My biggest fear is losing the train my grandfather gave me with nine wheels" Trent said.

"My biggest fear is losing my mama" DJ whimpered.

That seemed to pass the time. Everyone had learnt something new about the other.

Everyone, including the killer.

Noah and Cody completely avoided eachother due to the awkwardness of the situation. Izzy wouldn't stop pestering them both, asking if they'd had a 'lovers quarrel'. Noah responded to this with, ' we were never dating anyway, never.'

There were many 'nevers' concerning the campers. Some would never live to see their families again. Some would never recover from the terrifying trauma they'd experienced. Many would never live normally again. Some would crack under the guilt, and end their life.

No-one would



Chris McLean.

Hear that Chris?

They will get revenge.

If they don't, the killer will.

No more hiding.

5 teenagers.

5 to go.


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