Together Forever

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Shit I kinda.....didn't update
It's been a fucking week

Everyone was disturbed by Sierra's death. This was real. They were going to die. And Chris just made sure of that,leaving them on that island. Chris said beforehand that he was positive it was uninhabited. Well he was wrong. Sadie and Katie clung onto eachother every minute of every day. Petrified one or the other would be taken.
Cody was mortified that she was taken right under his nose. Stalker or no stalker, she was human. A few others, had a different approach. Heather, for one, simply laughed, calling her a creep. Noah took a similar approach (jealous boy).

3 days had passed since sierra had died. Everyone thought they were off the hook. Alejandro non-stop flirted with heather. Duncan did the same, with Courtney.

"For the last time, I'm lesbian" she spat at the highlighter.

"That shit doesn't exist, princess"

"Fuck off"

Duncan protested,but obviously had no chance with the c.i.t. Gwen laughed at Duncan's tries.

"Awh, I think your hot Duncan" she said.

Courtney shot a glare at Gwen while she smirked.

"Thanks princess 2.0" he winked, half laughing.


Courtney rolled her eyes, aware of what Duncan was trying to do. Duncan and Gwen cuddled up in a corner doing god knows what. Geoff was trying to impress Bridgette with a handstand he could -sort of- do. Bridgette giggled at the failed attempts of the party boy's gymnastics. Sadie and Katie attempted making friendship bracelets,but failed miserably. Noah sat in a quiet corner reading as Cody interrupted him every 5 seconds asking about the plot(😔😔). Izzy rode on Owens shoulders as he ran around the campground. Beth swooned over Justin as he showed of his abs (AND LONG ASS CHIN). They were all trying to get their minds off the roaming murderer on this very Island. Bridgette and Gwen we're upset about Leshawnas death, Gwen moreso as she found her body, along with Trent.

Heather started to complain about the lack of food. Sadie being the kind being she is, offered to scavenge for anything edible. Katie begged her not to go. Despite the lack of killings, the murderer was still at large, watching their every move. And when they saw sadie venture into the wilderness alone, the killer thought of this as a perfect opportunity to up their killing streak.

Sadie walked out the cabin while Katie's protests could still be faintly heard. She started to regret her desicion greatly,but going back would mean having to be taunted by Heather for being a 'wimp'. Sadie forced herself to move forward. The sky was pretty this evening. It looked as if it was a watercolor painting,dabbed in varying shades of oranges, purples and pinks. She distracted herself in this way, getting lost in the sky. As she approached a prickly bush adorned with sweet berries, the killer crept up behind her, ready to attack. Though, one thing the killer was unaware of, Katie Uratu.

Katie hit the killer with a heavy stick and yelled to her best friend to run. Sadie instantly started to sprint but the killer had grapped onto Katies ankle. Katie tried her best to free herself but no luck. She stopped herself from yelling for Sadie,she had to make sure Sadie got out alive. The killer dragged her by the pig-tail, to the fishing shack. Katies sobs were momentarily stopped by the shock of witnessing the bulky saw the killer was examining. She let out a soft yelp and continued to cry. The killer raised the saw and messily cut away at her neck. Katie let out a scream before she fell silent. Blood dripped from her neck. To leave their mark, the killer slashed her forehead with a knife, causing blood to tangle into her hair.

But the killer wasn't done. They were on a killing high.

Katie Uratu

Cause of death: Head sawn off, loss of blood. Might've just been the shock as she fainted when she saw the saw. It's hard to tell

Place: Fishing Shack, near wawanaka lake

Days alive: roughly 7 days (according to witnesses + research)

Found her body: Sadie Unda (presumably)/Courtney Satella


Sadie looked around for her best friend longingly. The killer was back. At large once again. She hoped Katie was alright, though every minute she spent looking was lowering the percentage of Katie being alive. She started running, begging she would miraculously run into Katie.

She ran into someone else instead.

The killer grabbed Sadie by the arm. Sadie let out a shrill scream as the realisation hit her. She was going to die now. Sadie took a different approach to Katies, yelling as loud as she possibly could. The killer hated that, so took out their knife and slit her throat to encourage her to stop,or the pain would increase. Sadie misunderstood, and screamed as loud as she could, despite the slit in her throat. The killer just sighed and paused once more. They gripped the knife and cut both sides of her mouth, turning them to a frown. Sadie yelled in pain. She coughed as blood erupted from her downturned mouth. The crimson liquid trickled down her chin as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She took a quick sharp breath, gulping for air as if she was drowning. That was her last breath, as her body gave up on the battle. The killer let out a chuckle realizing this. They dragged the body to the same shack Katie's head lied in.
The killer pulled out a needle from their blood-stained, jean pocket. They had stupidly forgotten thread and had to improvise with fishing string. He had decided to make the best friends dream a reality, though maybe not in the way the girls hoped. The dream?

To be inseperable.

The killer picked up Katie by her hair and held it in place while messily sewing. After around ten minutes of sewing the girls were now conjoined at the neck. Suddenly the killer noticed the saw used to decapitate Katie was digging into Sadie's arm. The killer pulled it out but mistakenly had gotten some of her skin out. The killer just let it be. Wasn't their problem.

Sadie Uratu

Rule 3: don't seperate them

Cause of death: presumably the cuts in her neck and face. Choking on her blood??? Major blood loss

Place: Fishing Shack, near wawanaka lake

Days alive: roughly 7 days

Found her body: Courtney Satella

Found her body: Courtney Satella

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