Chapter Eight

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"It helps very few humans live on the outskirts of Eldris. The insane constant cold and lack of social amenities drive most people away. If not, by now, we would have been spotted by at least four dozen people."

They were riding the wind again, and Zara was secured safely on Death's back. She was eating toffee and her teeth were wedged together but she managed to oogle gurgle in response.

"Did you always live here? I do not think so or I would have noticed you a long time ago."

Zara swallowed her toffee. "My mum and I lived in the heart of Eldris. Patrick has always lived here though."

"Yes. Him and six other people. Most people that live here are migrants. They were running away from something or someone."

"My mum and I."


Death continued to glide. Zara unwrapped another toffee while watching how the weak sun gave his long, black hair golden highlights. His movements were so subtle and effortless, a wiggle of his shoulders here and there to keep them on course. That was all he used.

She wondered how much practice it had taken to get as good as that. She couldn't fathom but she was grateful as it left his hands free to clasp her legs.

She needed the anchor.

"I have questions for you please," Zara said, almost shyly.

She wished she could see his face. Unreadable as it was most times, she'd at least know when to stop talking.

Death didn't say anything so she spoke again.

"Can I ask those questions?"

"No." His thick voice was also now gruff.

Zara knew she should let it be. Death was the last person she wanted to upset. More than one life depended on him helping her. She knew all that. She knew she should shut her mouth and drink in the beautiful snow-white scenery below her.

The wind was picking up and Death glided even faster. Zara had to shut her eyes to avoid them watering. She knew she should shut her mouth as well.

She knew.

"Why not?" Zara so wished the pitch of her voice didn't always betray her emotions. She heard the tremor in it and it disgusted her.

"Why not? Tell me, Zara, what right do you have to ask me questions about myself?"

"I just thought since we were friends that..."

"That what?" Death prompted.

"That I'd like to know more about you." Zara finished lamely.

Death didn't reply for a long time after that and Zara found herself dozing off. She woke up with a jerk when she felt their altitude begin to drop, the wind rushing upwards at them.

"Wha- why please? Are we there yet?" Zara wound her arms tighter around his neck. "A-already?"

"We are not yet there though this is our last stop."

"Then why?"

It was Death's turn to speak almost shyly.

"Zara...are we truly friends?"

Zara blinked. They were less than fifty feet from the earth and she could clearly make out the snowy ground and naked trees below. Had she said something wrong?

Zara suddenly noticed something in the next moment. Death's temperature. It had risen so slowly, she hadn't taken it in at first. It had been what lulled her to sleep.

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