Chapter Eighteen

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"Down Cerberus."

The huge mutt was obviously displeased, one face whined while the other two growled as he stepped away from Death and immediately lowered itself in a crouch, awaiting the next command.

It was obvious why Hades had done it, he stared at Death, the color of night clashing with the color of the darkest night.

Hades stared at Death for a long time.

"Fine I believe you but it doesn't matter because you are going to be blotted from existence so you can unswear that oath right now. You've failed."

Death hadn't stopped coughing from the moment Cerberus backed away but he still managed to maintain eye contact. He finally stopped coughing long enough to whisper; "You are just jealous because you do not remember what regret and love feel like and guess what Hades? You never ever will. That is why you are such a sad sack."

Hades jumped to his feet, his entire frame vibrating.

"The audacity," he whispered. In a much louder voice, he said, "Cerberus fetch."

The finality in his tone made it obvious that it was the last time he expected to give such a command concerning Death.

He was going to kill him.

Once again, Cerberus leaped.

But this time, Death was ready.

He jumped back at the last second, leg brushing Cerberus' flank as he backflipped into the air and glided straight for Zara. Her scream was cut off when he grabbed her by the stomach and still airborne, hoisted her over his shoulder. They made a sharp u-turn and began heading toward the great stone doors.

The great stone doors which were beginning to close.

Hades snarled while Cerberus skidded for a moment, feet digging for purchase. His barkings shook the entire Underworld. He gave another giant leap.

"Death!" Zara screamed at the same time Hades thundered, "eat them both Cerebus!"

"Trust the wind, Zara. Remember? It will never fail us."

They were moving so fast everything was a blur except the great black mass seemingly about to land on them any second. Zara was too afraid to scream again but the bile was back in her throat as she expected to hear the resounding bang of the doors any moment.

Zara squeezed Death's shoulders, eyes spilling over again.

"Please don't let it end like this," she whispered.

He didn't answer. Had he realized everything was hopeless?

Cerberus was so close to them, she could perceive his decayed smell and feel the heat from his mangy fur but she didn't look up anymore.

It was over.

They glided out of the throne room an instant before the doors closed. A second later a loud thump was heard from inside. Cerberus had landed.

Death didn't let up, coasting smoothly forward, arms tight around Zara's middle. The only reason Zara hadn't fainted was due to all blood was rushing to her head. Her eyes stayed wet and angry. Very angry. They soon left the throne room far behind.

When she felt their altitude begin to drop, her stomach did a flip-flop. The moment of confrontation was upon them.

"Trust the wind you say. I'm surprised it still pulled through since the one person I trusted more than anything is the cause of my misery."

Those were the first words Zara said the second Death's feet touched the ground.

Death gently lowered her, taking his time to look up and meet her gaze.

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