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One New Message

Hey Bailey, it's just Robyn. I finally
got my number for when I'm out here.
Just so you got it, actually... let me
drop you a vn reallllll quick.

One New Voice Note ▶️

"Yeah so hey girlie, it's me. I got my America number like you said I should do... so guess where I'm at! I know you'll be busy with work and shit, so I got a hotel room for the first week just to give me time to get things sorted before I move in with you. I hope you're good though queen, so I'm hoping you're free later tonight so we can meet up and sort the agreement and all that sorta shit. Actually, while I'm here, did you hear about Martin? Well, he said he won't be able to come across any time soon. I know right, buttt I promise it's good news. So his wife just gave birth to the cutest little boy. I have no idea what they're calling him, I hope it's nothing too out there, you know what's she's like? Anyway, yeah so he can't come over but he's told me that he's arranged some meetings for me, get my feet on the ground now I'm here in the big big city, well country, you know what I mean. Omg I'm rambling. So yeah um, I'll message the TL:DR. Message me soon bitch, mwah!"

One New Message

TL:DR - so I'm in LA earlier than
expected so I've got a hotel for a
while, let me know when you're
free so we can sort the moving in
situation. Loves you, Robyn xo

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