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Robyn had moved the last of her belongings into her new apartment with Bailey. She had finished arranged her make up for the 50th time, not sure whether to place her favourites at the front or her go-to emergency essentials. It was a first world problem, but she lived for it. Nothing was ever this simple back home. Memories of her past life flooding to the forefront of her brain, making all the hairs raise on the back of her neck. She refused to let them win, she refused to spiral anymore. She was away now, she was safe.

"Yo Ro, am I safe to come in?" She heard Bailey bellow behind the closed door. "You ain't changing or nothing?"

"Coast is clear, come and see what I've done with the place!" Robyn stated proudly. It wasn't a lot, but it was a start. She looked over at her camera, taking its spot in the centre of the book shelf. The walls were bare, but it was clean and spacious.

"Looking good, looking good. You need some plants or something but we can get those another day. Wanna come and watch some TV or something, chat about our days?" Bailey looked around, finding the spots that needed a little more. She was glad that Robyn felt comfortable and not overwhelmed by everything. "And by chat about our days, I mean let me tell you about one of the most awkward conversations I've ever had the pleasure of being dragged into!"

"Umm, sure. Let me get my phone and I'll be right there." Bailey nodded and made her way into the living room. Robyn grabbed her phone, hoping an email notification would come through confirming the meeting she was meant to be attending tomorrow. The email was due anytime, but instead of that notification she saw another from 'Fake Bailey'. Her heart raced. She couldn't bare to open it, scared of what it would say. A thousand what ifs flooded her mind, but she couldn't let it overwhelm her. She was safe here. There was no way they could find her, no one knew where she lived now. Her mother didn't even have her address, it was safer that way.

She made her way into the living room, clutching her phone tightly against her chest. She felt a pang of nerves hit her as she timidly sat on the couch. Bailey looked concerned, but didn't want to push any pressure on her new roommate. She wanted this to be an open and safe space for both of them.

"I didn't know if you'd want anything, but I mean I can make you a coffee or something?" Bailey mumbled as she held her mug close to her chest. Robyn shook her head, not wanting to her voice to break the positive energy that was filling the room. "So, umm, how was your day? Do anything interesting."

"Not really, I suppose I sorted my make up again. Still not sure if I'm happy with it but it's organised in some way. I mean, when I start doing more looks it'll all be messed around anyways." Robyn chuckled to herself, giving her something to do tomorrow if everything falls through. "I was waiting for that meeting to be confirmed, but I haven't heard anything from Martin. I think I'm losing my mind..."

"Girlie please, everything happens for a reason. Do not even stress. The meeting will sort itself out. It's not like there's not hundreds of opportunities just waiting to happen." Bailey attempted to comfort Robyn, which surprisingly was working a little. "Plus, I could get you a job with me. I mean, Julia is leaving so there's a position opening up. I'm sure Glen will give you a job, I do have a good eye for staffing."

"Are you sure you want to spend even more time with me? I don't want to get under your skin. I'm not exactly easy to have around..." Robyn sighed, her lack of confidence creeping out. That was something she always tried to hide.

"Working with one of the besties, having someone stunning to pull more tips and we could have matching makeup curtesy of your amazing skills. How does that not sound like the dream?" Her laugh echoed through the room, "and it means you can experience the crazy I had today. When I tell you, I have never felt more awkward in my life. I felt like I was a piece of meat the way this guy stared at me."

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