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Robyn hadn't moved from the bed in the hotel room since she saw the message from Fake Bailey. She didn't have any tears to cry, she just felt numb. Face down into the pillow, wishing the world would swallow her whole. Her case remained locked on the floor next to her, she refused to open it. She felt like an idiot, only she would spill her whole life story to a random stranger. What if they could hunt her down and stalk her? They've heard her voice now, they could be anywhere. Robyn's mind ran wild with conspiracies and plots that would drive her to insanity. She was luckily pulled from her thoughts when she heard her phone ding once again.

She sat upright, reluctant to look at her phone. The only person she contacted was Bailey, or the individual she thought was Bailey. Would they have messaged again? Was this the start of her story involving the stalker? No. It was an email. Something so simple, and expected yet her creativity ran wild. She sighed with relief, maybe she wasn't ready for this move across the world but it was too late now.

She opened her emails to see it was the real Bailey and her heart rate had finally settled. She felt relief wash over every part of her body as she read the words that were filling her screen.

'Hey you! Just wanting to see how the move is coming along. You got a date you're going to be here for? I can't believe you're actually doing this. I bet your mom is driving you mad. Still saying you're running away from all your issues. Oh yeah, roommate is leaving tomorrow so you can move like straight in. Landlord is aware of the situation so said you can sign everything when you're here already.'

Robyn couldn't contain her excitement, she wanted to squeal at every word she read. Things seem to be falling into place a little more and settling her anxiety she didn't realise had been building in her chest. Robyn knew she had to tell Bailey she was here, but she was just worried about what she would say.

'Fun fact Bailey, I'm already here... well, I'm in LA and I got a hotel for the next week while I settle in and get everything started. I did message you but it wasn't you and that was a whole ordeal so here's my new number (I did what you said, aren't you proud). I'm just going to get something to eat but if you're free later we could meet? I can't wait to see you again!'

She smiled as she typed out her reply. This would become her home, she knew it. She had to get out there and experience America, the way she promised herself she would.

Robyn walked over to the small bathroom in her room and looked up at herself in the mirror. Her brunette hair falling out of the messy bun she threw it up into so many hours ago, her makeup mildly smudged from the journey. She attempted to freshen her face, you never know who you'll meet in the city of angels. Reapplied lipstick and smoked out eyeliner, wisps of her hair falling around her face. She was ready to walk around the unknown city, hoping she would stumble across a place that looked pleasant enough to eat in.

Leaving her hotel, phone in her pocket and small bag across her shoulder, the nerves began to build in Robyn's chest. She didn't know what to expect, where she was heading but she kept walking. The streets filled with traffic and people, a lot of tourists bustling past in a hurry. She chuckled to herself, thinking how crazy she was for flying all this way on a dream. Her body had started to feel like a heavy weight, her exhaustion slowly taking over. She needed to eat and drink, and quick. She saw a small coffee house in the corner of her eye, she wasn't a coffee drinker but this would have to do.

She walked into the building, feeling everyone's eyes look up at her as the door opened. She was clearly breaking the solitude and peace that was previously here. "Could I get a hot chocolate and a lemon muffin please?" Robyn smiled politely at the woman behind the counter. She looked to be a similar age, maybe slightly younger, her blue eyes piercing as the stared blankly at Robyn. She mumbled a response to Robyn, who already had her card ready for payment. She thanked the polite server, wishing her a great day, as she collected her items and went in search of an empty table.

She felt some eyes land on her, slowly burning her skin as she sat and sipped her drink. Robyn glanced up to see a small group of individuals all whisper among themselves and looking over in her direction. Robyn felt her eyes roll and she took another bite of the muffin before pulling her phone out.

One New Message

YOU'RE HERE! And you
never told me you were flying
out. I'd have booked the day
off, where are you staying?
What are you doing? Are you
ever keeping awake right
now? Robyn, you're crazy!

I might have gone for a walk
in a direction I don't know and
I'm sat drinking a hot chocolate
on my own. And I'm definitely being
paranoid but there's people staring
at me and whispering. I really need
to sleep but it's like 4pm here...

Let me know where you're
staying, get yourself back there
and sleep. I will come with
some essentials when I finish
up. I'll be off shift in 2 hours.
See you soon beautiful lady!!

Disconnect (Damien Haas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now