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It had been a few hours since Damien had received some very unusual messages from someone he had never met before. He didn't even know a Robyn, or a Bailey for that matter. They had finished a meeting in the office discussing some ideas they wanted to bring into the Smosh Games space, so he only just managed to listen to the voice note. He seemed perplexed by the accent of the female, clearly not local by any means. He couldn't quite place her accent, it was British to an extent but not your stereotypical accent, something was different but he couldn't place what.

Shayne grabbed Damien's shoulders as he listened to the voice note again with his earphones in, trying to pick up something to help him figure out what had happened. Damien was startled a little as he was pulled out of his trance and locked eyes with Shayne.

"You okay Dames?" Shayne's eyes fell on the twisted eyebrows of the boy next to him. "You haven't stopped looking at your phone since that meeting, you hiding someone from me?"

"Err, no. Well, I don't know." Damien sighed as he removed his earphone again. "How easily do you mess up someone's number?" Shayne continued to stare at Damien, confused by his question. He stayed quiet, willing Damien to fill the silence. "I get you can type someone's number wrong, but you'd wait for a reply before you go in depth, right? Wouldn't you worry that you're just messaging a complete stranger? Why not just send a simple 'hey, it's me' then wait for a reply before you sound off? Am I crazy?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Shayne's confusion continued to grow as Damien rambled his rhetorical questions at him. "Did you give someone the wrong number? Was it that girl in the coffee house, what was her name?"

"I never gave anyone my number Shayne. It wasn't like that. There was nothing going on with her, she was just being kind!" Damien groaned, rolling his eyes further back in his head. He loved Shayne with all his heart but sometimes he was an ass. "I'm just saying if you got a new number and messaged someone, you'd wait for a reply first, right?"

"Is this that message you showed me in the meeting?" Spencer perked up as he walked past their booth. He could hear the conversation but didn't want to interfere. Damien nodded quietly as Shayne's eyes now shifted to Spencer's gaze. "It's weird man, what's the voice note like?"

"Long. Very very long." He chuckled to himself, not too long for him to listen to it multiple times though. "You wouldn't do it though, she must have some crazy energy. You don't do that." Damien continued to shake his head in belief. This random woman sent him three messages, one being a two minute long rambling voice note, without even confirming it's the right person. He couldn't process how anyone gets the wrong number now, especially when you clearly seem to be so close with the other person. Why was she staying in a hotel? Why didn't she just go around to the apartment or house or wherever she was staying? He had so many questions but didn't want to push for any answers.

"Now remember I'm not psychic like you Dames, I'm going to need a bit more information and a few less questions to be able to help you out. All I know is girl, wrong number, voice note." Shayne started laughing loudly, pulling Damien out of his trance. Shayne was amused by how flustered he was, of course this happened to Damien of all people.

"Long story short, some woman sent me multiple messages, including a voice note, asking to meet me 'Bailey' to arrange the agreement for them to move in and she's staying in a hotel and Bailey needs to let her know when they are free." Damien tried to recall as much from the voice note as possible, some information seemingly more relevant than others. "Oh and there's a Martin, I think, a baby and a meeting? And I think they're British?"

"And you, Bailey, have left this girl on read. For a few hours now." Spencer sighed as Shayne attempted to draw a mind map out in the space around him. "Bailey will not be liked much now, well done Dames."

"Shit, fuck. What do I do?" He began flustering, his words becoming mumbled and eyes scanning the room for a responsible adult, which they all are. "If I say, 'sorry wrong number', she'll start worrying that's she's been catfished all this time and have nowhere to stay and freak out. But if I act like I'm Bailey, she'll know when she sees me as I don't have a spare room. And she clearly knows this Bailey, who has no idea their friend is here waiting for them to reply and if I-"

"Don't breathe you'll have an asthma attack." Shayne cut him off in his tracks, his brain firing sparks off in every direction except for a useful one. "Give me your phone." He smiles, hoping that Damien will hand it over. He's reluctant, to say the least, he can never be sure of what Shayne is up to.

He watches Shayne compose a message, short and sweet but he hands the phone back before hitting send. "If I were you Dames, I'd go with something like this. She might not freak out, but she might."

One New Message

I'm really sorry Robyn but
this isn't Bailey. You must
have the wrong number. Hope
you get settled here soon,
America's a pretty cool place.

Wait. What? Is this
really happening? I am
so so sorry. You won't hear
from me again. Sorry!

"Did you really not even tell her your name?" Shayne sighed heavily as he read the messages over Damien's shoulder. "That's exactly why I typed it!"

"Didn't mother ever tell you it's rude to read someone's messages over their shoulder?" Damien mumbles as he began to walk away. Part of him kicking himself for deleting that part of the message before sending it.

"You're an idiot!"

Disconnect (Damien Haas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now