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Forty minutes had passed as Robyn sat there staring at the doorway, waiting anxiously for it to open. Any time it did, there was always a group of individuals, no one alone. Where was he? He assured her he'd be here on time, why would he lie? Her body filled with rage and humiliation, she looked over to Bailey. Bailey was handing another customer their bill before walking over to where Robyn was sat. Bailey's eyes filled with disappointment, she really thought that Robyn would find someone else to befriend in this crazy city of dreams.

"I told you it was too good to be true..." Robyn sighed before taking a small sip of the ice water Bailey had given her earlier. "I'll give him another 20 minutes but an hour late is just a joke."

"I'm sorry girlie, I didn't think he was this much of an ass." Bailey placed her hand in Robyn's shoulder, making small circles of comfort against her skin.

"It just sums men up completely." Robyn's shoulders dropped, no longer feeling the need to hold up a presentable impression. "First, my agent, I guess, sets me up for a meeting that falls through and then this. It's almost like I should never have come across to LA. I should have stayed back in England, living that god awful life."

"Stop. Right now." Bailey's voice firm but quiet, she didn't want to draw any more attention to the girl having a panic attack in the corner of the restaurant. "Glen is over there, he thinks your look will work. He wants to interview you. Tonight, if possible. He's desperate for someone to fill the vacancy. Stay calm, and smash this. Give yourself something to celebrate."

"I can't do that now. I'm not even in appropriate interview clothes, my makeup is smudged. I'm a mess. Please, try and reschedule it..." Robyn begged as another shadow appeared over her table. Part of her wishing Damien had walked through the doors, he might have been late but then at least she wouldn't be pressured into an interview at short notice.

"If you would prefer tomorrow, that's fine, but it will need to be first thing before we open." A middle aged man smiled down at Robyn. His grey eyes filled with passion and kindness, something that a doting father might have. "I'm Glen, sorry. Awfully rude not to introduce myself."

"Umm, is that okay?" Robyn's words struggling to escape her lips. "I don't think I would show a good example of myself if you were to interview me tonight..." Bailey giggled to herself before walking away. The tension built between the two individuals remaining. Robyn could feel her heart racing, the sound echoing in her head. Glen seemed to tower over the table, soft features and warm smile radiating down.

"Oh sweetheart, the interview is merely a formality. Anyone Bails trusts is welcome to work for me," he smiled, warmth radiating from this stranger in a way she never knew.

"Wait, really?" Robyn felt stunned, the wind knocked out of her sails. "You trust a colleague that much, that's... well that's amazing..."

"No dear, I think you've mistaken me, I trust my daughter's judgement that much. I was always going to find a way for you to be able to work here, if you want to that is." A small chuckle in his voice, he was amused by the bombshell he just threw at Robyn. "You okay to start tomorrow? No pressure."

"Umm... yes?" Robyn was shell shocked. Everything felt unreal. Was this really happening? Is this what family felt like? "You're... wait, you're her dad??" With that question, a larger laugh filled the room. It was melodic and calming, a sense of wholesomeness and support. He walked away, still laughing and smiling to himself. He approached Bailey and pulled her into a hug, ruffling her hair and pushing her in the direction on Robyn.

Bailey sat on the chair opposite Robyn. No words escaped her, they stay in silence. Bailey with a grin plastered across her face, she was glad at least one of her plans had succeeded. Robyn was dumbfounded. She felt so silly for not seeing the similarities between Bailey and Glen, but why would she ever suspect it? Bailey even called him Glen when they spoke about the job, she could have easily said dad. But would she have accepted the offer? Yet another thing that Bailey is doing to protect and support Robyn from the inevitable crashing and burning.

Disconnect (Damien Haas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now