but if i do....

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its been weeks it feels like. dracos busy, theos with enzo, mattheo is always doin something, and all harry wants to do is be with his friends. ive been sitting by the lake recently. "hey y/n?" "oh Cedric how may i help you?" "why are you sitting alone by the lake?" "i dont know....i just feel like i need to be here" "explain" "i felt like it was calling me" i looked at him when i was once facing the lake. he looks so worried. "everyones busy and i dont really talk much" "why dont you hang with me?" "you seem so busy" "im always open when you need someone. how about tomorrows 6pm by the tower?" i looked at him "i think ill take your offer diggory" "im glad potter" although i shine a face of happy, i hate being called potter, thats all harry goes by. "but y/n i think for right now we should walk away from the lake, why dont we go do something fun" i nodded and walked next to him. but i couldnt help but notice eyes all over me. "ive always tried to find time to talk to you. your the y/n potter" "oh im nothing special" "you got sorted into all the houses id call that pretty special" i laughed a little. but sooner came rather then later. and i would be lying if i said the loneliness didnt get into my brain. but i cant help but feel like i constantly need to go to that lake. like something is calling me, something needs me. so much so to the point i cant sleep. harrys busy doing his things and everyone else is in the common room, why im not there we will never know, but i need to go. i did. im walking. im looking out into the water. its so memorizing. "y/n come on" "oh cedric hi" "i saw you out here, need a friend" "i felt like i was needed here" "seeing as how theres no one here right now why dont you come with me." i walked next to him only to quickly turn my head around. "come on" "coming cedric" i spoke walking next to him. it wasnt then until we ran into harry. "hey cedric we were just about to play a game wanna play?" it was hermione. "im game. what about you y/n?" "okay" he smiled at me. it was in the court yard i dont even remember what was happening. "okay ron take a guess" "ice" "think hot" "HARRYS SISTER" "dude" "CORRECT" "DUDE THE HELL" i watched harry get mad at ron for a second before looking at me. i just looked at him. "i mean she is good looking" "good looking Cedric shes beautiful" i could hear ron and cedric talking about me. "oh harry a word" i looked at harry and Cedric talk for a good 5 minutes. "so y/n" "yes hermione" "if i must ask, how are you" "im fine" "im trying to be nice" "cool" "cool?" "im upset hermione please" he just stayed quiet and walked next to ron. once again left out. so once again i walk to my room. ignoring everyone on the way there. i dont feel like pissing anyone off tonight.

to the sound of my own mind to the fact im stuck in this stupid school. i go to classes i sit in my room. im supposed to hangout with diggory. but.....no i will. i just need to see the lake. "how come every time i come here i feel so safe? how i feel less lonely?" i spoke. i know whats been calling me here. i see her. a siren. i didnt think they could be here. i waved. to my shock it waved back. "thank you for keeping me company" i spoke to her she didnt say anything but look at me. sure it can pray on me, but i dont think she will. she would have by now. the only time she spoke was in screeches. "Y/N?" "GET AWAY" i looked behind me to see cedric and harry. not far behind seemed to be all the boys. how ever they got out of their business is beyond me. i watched her hold out her hand once i turned back around. "grab it?" with one final screech i did. i believe shes trying to help me. i took her hand and with one pull i was in the water. i cant see anything. and im not the best swimmer. i tried my hardest to float to the top. and once i did i came back to panic. "grab her" and im back on land. do i dare open my eyes? i dont. these people who ignored me for weeks. maybe im selfish, to want them all to myself. maybe im shallow, for only wanting them to be with me and no one else. "fuck off all of you" oh theo. "shut the fuck up get away" oh mattheo. "shes my fucking sister" but harry. "shes supposed to be with me" cedric. "you guys are all pathetic" draco.... even opening my eyes for a spilt second didnt help. everyone fighting and bickering brings tears to my eyes. "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP" and now we are all looking at theo and just when i thought i could runaway all eyes are on me. "why the fuck would you take the hand?" "theo dont be so hard" "shut up diggory" "you were the one that told me cedric" and now all eyes were on cedric. "you didnt tell her?" "i kept her away" bought me enough time to stand up and start walking. but hot on my tail was mattheo. "so?" "so what" "so why are you upset" "im not" "your a fucking liar" i looked him dead in the eyes and stopped in my tracks.  "i cant know what to do unless you tell me" "figure it out" "your gonna tell me. im not theo, im not draco, im not anyone else your mad at" "but you are" "and what did i do" "you left me" "i didnt leave you im right here y/n" i looked over at the bickering group and looked back. "i get it now" he gave me a hug and started walking forward. "are you coming or not" i quickly caught up. "i will buy candy and some drinks. i will get the common room ready and we can do something fun" "okay" "heres 100 galleons. knock yourself out" "but" "im coming to, dont worry" oh mattheo, the only one to see that im upset. 

even after we got everything i was told to stay in my room while mattheo got things ready. and so i did. i was waiting for his knocks and when they came i followed. it was like a bed but in couch form. he lead me to the couch and sat me down even smiled at me. i felt a little better. i smiled back. "i promise to be more available." he spoke. i nodded. we didnt do much but talk and rest our heads on each other. mattheo is sweet hes kind. but hes hard headed and has temper issues. 

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